Page 168 - SST Class 06
P. 168

FRANCHISE                              shoulder-to-shoulder with men; and in some,
                                                                        they are excelling over men. We have great
            By the word ‘franchise’ is meant the ‘right to vote         leaders in all fields—Indira Gandhi, Sarojini
            in elections’. Generally, in a democratic country,          Naidu, Hema Malini, Sania Mirza, Indira
            all adult members of the society are given the              Nooyi and many, many more. The women
            right to vote in elections. This is called universal        have become all the more aware after seats
            adult franchise. However, all adult members may             were    reserved   for   them     in   local-self
            not be given this right in certain countries. For           governments.
            example, in Britain, the women were not given
            this right in the beginning, now they enjoy this         Arguments in Favour of Universal Adult
            right.                                                   Franchise
                                                                    q   Some people are of the opinion that all adult
             Need for Universal Adult Franchise
                                                                        people in a country should be given the right
            In India, all people above the age of 18 years have         to vote. They give the following arguments :
            the right to vote in elections.
            When you attain 18 years of                             q   The people are the source of sovereignty.
            age, you will have this right, for                      q   The laws and policies formulated by the
            this you will have to get your                              government affect the people directly or
            name included in the electoral                              indirectly.
            rolls. Some people are not                              q   The laws and policies are formulated by the
            given this right, such as those        A woman              representatives on behalf of the people.
            who do not reside in India.           casting vote
                                                                    q   If all people have the right to vote, the
             Arguments Against Universal Adult
                                                                        representatives will keep them in view while
                                                                        taking decisions.
            Some people say that all people should not be           q   The right to vote makes all citizens equal
            given the right to vote. They say that only certain         whether they are rich or poor, high or low,
            sections of the people should be given this right.
                                                                        man or woman, Hindu or Muslim.
            They give the following arguments :
                                                                    q   The right to vote makes people aware of their
            q  Some people say that the illiterate people               rights  and   they    start  to  evaluate    the
               should not be given the right to vote as they
                                                                        performance of the government, so the
               cannot understand the complicacies of the
                                                                        government     has   to   be   careful   in   its
               government. We do not agree with this                    functioning.
               argument as we have seen in India that people
               have become politically aware and can judge          q   The right to vote cultivates a sense of unity
               the functioning of the government well.                  among all citizens.
               Moreover, the literacy rate is going up with          Quest for Universal Adult Franchise
               each passing year.
                                                                    In the ancient and medieval times in the whole
            q  Some people say that the poor people should          world, some rulers looked after the welfare of the
               not be given this right as they can be bribed to     people, but many of them did not. They did what
               vote for particular candidates. We have seen in      they liked, least caring for the will of the people.
               India that people are very mature in this            This was the reason that the people wanted to
               respect also.                                        have a say in the government. The movement for
            q  Some people say that women should not be             universal adult franchise started at a very small
               given the right to vote as they cannot               scale. At first, the ruler appointed some ministers
               understand politics well. However, we have           or advisors; in some countries, the ruler ruled with
               seen that women are working in all fields            the help of a council of ministers or advisors.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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