Page 173 - SST Class 06
P. 173

Forms of Government                          26

             q   Forms of government                             q Functioning of a democratic government
             q   Participation and accountability in the union government  q Participation and accountability in states, districts and villages
             q   Resolution of conflict                          q Concerns for equality and justice

            Introduction                                            q A democratic government is answerable to the
                                                                        people for all its actions, but an authoritarian
            The government is the most important component
                                                                        government is not.
            of a state and its form determines the powers
            exercised by it. A country may opt for a specific form   q The citizens are given certain basic or
            of government keeping in view its circumstances and         Fundamental Rights and liberties under a
            needs.                                                      democratic    government;      while    in   an
                                                                        authoritarian government, rights and liberties
                          FORMS OF GOVERNMENT                           depend on the sweet will of the government.

            The form of the government differs from country         q A democratic government is welfare-oriented
            to country depending on the circumstances,                  and looks after the needs of the people; while
            needs, traditions etc. By the form of government is         an authoritarian government furthers its own
            meant the powers exercised by those in authority            interests.
            and the functions performed by them. A modern           q A democratic government allows the people to
            state has to perform a large number of different            raise  their  voice,   but    an   authoritarian
            functions, so the government has to work on                 government does not allow the people to
            different levels.                                           express themselves.
            The form of a government can be classified on            Parliamentary or Presidential
            different grounds. For our basic understanding in
                                                                    You have read that there are three organs of the
            this class, we shall restrict our study to the
                                                                    government—legislature, executive and judiciary.
            following classifications :
                                                                    Whether a government is parliamentary or
             Democratic or Authoritarian                            presidential, depends on the type of relations

            On the basis of the place of an individual in the       between the legislature and the executive. We can
            state and his rights and liberties, a government can    compare the two forms of government under the
            be democratic or authoritarian. A democratic            following points :
            government is almost opposite to an authoritarian       q In a parliamentary government, the head of the
            government. We can compare the two in the                   state and the head of the government are two
            following points :                                          different people; the head of the state has only
            q  A democratic government is elected by the                nominal    powers    and   the   head   of   the
               people for a fixed term, that is, the government         government has the real powers. In a
               can be changed by the people in elections;               presidential government, the President is the
               while an authoritarian government holds the              real executive.
               power by force and it cannot be changed by           q In a parliamentary government, the head of the
               the people.                                              government is a member of the legislature and
                                                                                            Forms of Government
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