Page 177 - SST Class 06
P. 177

independence India, such classes existed which          seats in educational institutions were reserved for
            were   considered    unequal.   The    problem    of    the people of deprived classes called Scheduled
            untouchability existed at a large scale and the         Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST). Later, this
            people of these castes were done injustice. So, it      reservation was extended to include Other
            was necessary to give them an equal status and do       Backward Classes (OBC). The people belonging to
            justice to them.                                        the SC, ST and OBC enjoy reservation for
                                                                    admission to educational institutions also. Even in
                Quiz Time
                                                                    private jobs, minimum wages have been ensured
            Write True or False :                                   to all citizens. The government makes effort for
                                                                    equal pay for equal work.
            1. The problem of untouchability existed at a small
               scale.                                  _______      It may be pertinent to note that the reservations
                                                                    were provided in the Constitution of India for a
            2. The chairman of a Nagar Nigam is responsible to
               the Municipal Committee.                _______      period of ten years, but this provision has been
                                                                    extended time and again. The people who have
            3. The President is the head of the state. _______      been benefited from the reservations have not
            4. The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected           been excluded from the list. As a result, these
               directly by the people.                 _______      benefited people have become powerful and
                                                                    enjoy all benefits, mostly at the cost of the people
            5. A state is formed of people of different classes.
                                                                    who remain deprived even today.
                                                                    A serious disadvantage of the reservation is that
            This was the reason that the Preamble to the            merit is often compromised. When a post needing
            Constitution of India declares its objectives as        expertise is filled by a less proficient person, the
            justice and equality. It aims to give social, political   development and progress of the country is
            and economic justice to all people and give them        seriously compromised. So, all deprived people,
            equality of status and opportunity.                     whether belonging to high castes or low castes,
                                                                    should be given maximum educational facilities as
            Social justice was ensured to them as all people
                                                                    per their aptitude and attitude, so that they can
            have been made equal before the law. No                 earn proficiency in their area of interest, but merit
            discrimination is practised against them on any         must not be compromised for appointment to any
            ground like religion, caste, region, language, race,
            sex etc.
                                                                    Equality of status is maintained by the provisions
            Political justice has been ensured by giving every      of single vote, single citizenship and equality
            adult citizen the right to vote. Every citizen has a    before the law. In order to give equality of
            single vote. All citizens hold a single citizenship
                                                                    opportunity to all citizens, no discrimination is
            of India, it means that a citizen of India can settle   practised   for  appointment    to   any   post   or
            and do business in any part of India.
                                                                    admission to any educational institution on
            Economic justice could not be given in just a           grounds of religion, region, caste, sex etc.
            stroke. It needed time. So, the provisions of           However, reservations have been provided for
            reservations were included in the Constitution.         certain classes of people in order to uplift them in
            Under it, certain posts in the government and           the society.

            v A democratic government gives liberty to its citizens while an authoritarian one curbs them.
            v There is one head of state in a presidential system while in a parliamentary system, there are separate head
               of state and head of government.
                                                                                            Forms of Government
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