Page 180 - SST Class 06
P. 180
Panchayati Raj 27
q Structure of Panchayati Raj System q Panchayati Raj and women
q Panchayati Raj and state government
Introduction the village was the basic unit of administration.
The kings in ancient times used to administer a
India is a very vast country. It has diversified
village with the help of a village headman assisted
physical features. The people at different places
have different problems regarding education, water by a council of elders. This council of elders was
called the Panchayat. This council of elders used
supply, electricity, roads, health and sanitation. We
to look after the needs of the village and also
have the government at the union and state levels resolve conflicts between villagers. The Panchayat
and it is very difficult for these governments to look
system was inexpensive and speedy. This system
into the problems of local needs in every district
continued in India from ancient times until
and village. So the system of local self government medieval times. The British abolished this system,
is established in rural areas.
but this has been revived once again after
The purpose of creating local self-government is to independence in view of its utility.
involve the local people in the administration so
Info Bits
that the needs of the people can be known and met Info Bits
in a better and effective way. The participation of
the local people ensures that a well is dug at a place The Constitution 73rd Amendment ACT, 1992
where it can meet the needs of all people and a provides for the establishment of village Panchayat
school is built at a place where all children can in all states. They are entrusted with power and
easily go. authority to formulate and implement schemes for
economic development and social justice.
The administration in a district can be divided into
two broad categories—rural administration and The Panchayati Raj has been established under
urban administration. The rural administration is the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992.
set in the Panchayati Raj system. Under this, it is necessary for all states to establish
village Panchayats in their territory. The village
PANCHAYATI RAJ SYSTEM Panchayats have been entrusted with power and
authority to formulate and implement schemes for
The Panchayati Raj is a part of the local self- economic development and social justice at the
government at the district level. It looks after the
village level.
rural area of a district. The word ‘Panchayat’ has
been derived from the word ‘Pancha’ which The Panchayati Raj is a
means ‘a judge or an elderly person’. Thus, the three-tier system. These
Panchayat means ‘a committee of judges or three tiers are—Village
elderly persons’. Panchayat, Block
Samiti and Zila
The Panchayat system has existed in India since
olden days. Like today, in the ancient times too,
Zila Parishad
Contemporary Social Science-6