Page 183 - SST Class 06
P. 183
community work in their free time. Many times, Functions : A Block Samiti works for the
school students and members of voluntary development of a block as a whole. Its functions
organisations also help villagers in this. can be divided into two broad categories—
development work and advisory work. The
A Block Samiti is an organisation of a few
functions under development work include
neighbouring villages. The Gram Panchayats of
these villages form the Block Samiti. The Block construction of roads, waterways, schools,
Samiti works for the welfare of the block as a hospitals, canals etc. and provision of electricity,
clean drinking water etc. Its functions also include
the promotion of cooperative societies,
The Block Samiti is known by different names in improvement of cattle breed and seeds, guidance
different states and places, such as Khand Samiti, and assistance in setting up poultries, fisheries and
Prakhand Samiti, Pradesh Samiti, Panchayat other cottage industries etc.
Samiti, Kshetra Samiti etc. However, their
functions remain uniform throughout India.
Make a chart on three tier system of Panchayti Raj.
Composition : The members of a Gram Panchayat
elect the members of a Block Samiti. Besides the
elected members, a Block Samiti comprises of
A canal A block development office
these members—all Pradhans of Gram Panchayats,
A Block Samiti invites experts in different fields for
members of the state legislature (Vidhan Sabha
and Vidhan Parishad) and members of Parliament expert advice and assistance in different aspects of
(Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) elected from that village life. The experts include medical doctors,
veterinary doctors, engineers, educationists,
area. In addition to them, an effort is made to give
representation to all classes of people. Seats are agriculturists, scientists etc. They visit villages and
guide villagers how they can improve their life
reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
and surroundings.
and Other Backward Classes. If they are not
elected, the district officer can appoint them in the Sources of Income : The two chief sources of
Block Samiti. One-third of the total seats of a income for a Block Samiti are grants from the state
Block Samiti are reserved for women. government and taxes. It levies taxes on shops,
houses, sale of land, fairs, sale of cattle etc.
Block Development Officer : A Block
Development Officer is a government employee
who heads the administration of a Block Samiti.
He assists in the implementation of all functions
and projects of a Block Samiti. He is an important
link between a Block and the concerned Zila
A secondary school A village hospital Parishad.
The Block Samiti functions under the supervision Zila Parishad
of a chairperson called Block Pramukh and a vice
chairperson called Up-Block Pramukh . If members As the name signifies, a Zila Parishad functions at
of the Block Samiti feel that the chairperson or the district level. It is the apex body of the
vice chairperson is not doing his duties properly, Panchayat Raj system. A Zila Parishad is
he can be removed from his post by a vote of no- responsible for the development of the rural area
confidence. The term of a Block Samiti is five of a district. It also works for the social and
years. economic welfare of the rural people.
Panchayati Raj