Page 185 - SST Class 06
P. 185

v The rural administration of the country is set in the Panchayati Raj.
            v The Panchayati Raj is a three tier system—Village Panchayat, Block Samiti and Zila Parishad.
            v The Village Panchayat comprises of three institutions—Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat and Nyaya Panchayat.
            v The jurisdiction of a Village Panchayat is a village, that of a Block Samiti a block and the Zila Parishad looks
               after the whole of district.
            v The Nyaya Panchayat can deal with petty civil and criminal cases; it can impose a fine but cannot send a
               person to jail.
            v The Panchayati Raj system has resulted in drawing out women out of the four walls of their houses to
               participate in the progress and development of the country.

            v The Panchayati Raj and state government complement each other in the administration of the state.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :
                 1.   A Gram Sabha meets ____________     every year.

                      (a) once                     (b) twice                           (c) thrice
                 2.  A ____________    is the chairperson of a Gram Panchayat.
                      (a) Panchayat Secretary      (b) Pradhan                         (c) both of these
                 3.  A Block Samiti is formed by joining two or more ____________  .
                      (a) Gram Panchayats          (b) Zila Parishads                  (c) Nyaya Panchayats

                 4.  The apex body of the Panchayati Raj system is the ____________  .
                      (a) Gram Panchayat           (b) Zila Parishad                   (c) Block Samiti
                 5.   The chairperson of the Zila Parishad ____________    be removed from his post by a vote of no-
                      (a) can                      (b) cannot                          (c) none of these
                 6.  The ____________    enjoy one-third reservation in all posts in the Panchayati Raj system.
                      (a) men                      (b) women                           (c) children

                 7.   ____________   heads the administration of a Block Samiti.
                      (a) Block Pramukh            (b) Block Development Officer       (c) none of them
                 8.   ____________   is the general body in a village.
                      (a) Gram Panchayat           (b) Block Samiti                    (c) Gram Sabha

            B.   Name any two :
                 1.  broad categories of administration in a district  (a) ____________               (b) ____________
                 2.  tiers of the Panchayati Raj system                (a) ____________               (b) ____________

                 3.  institutions of a Village Panchayat               (a) ____________               (b) ____________
                 4.  classes for which reservation is available in the Panchayati Raj system
                                                                       (a) ____________               (b) ____________
                                                                                                  Panchayati Raj
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