Page 189 - SST Class 06
P. 189
Functions A Nagar Palika is elected for a term of five years,
but it can be dissolved earlier if it does not
The chief functions of a Nagar Panchayat function properly or as per laid down rules. In
comprise water supply, drainage, cleanliness of
such a case, new members will have to be elected
streets, street lights, sanitation, health, primary within six months.
education, organisation and management of fairs
and markets, construction and maintenance of The members elect a chairperson and a vice
bathing ghats, parks and improvement of slums. It chairperson. They preside over the meetings of a
also keeps different types of records, such as Nagar Palika, which are held regularly.
deaths, births etc.
Chief Executive Officer
Sources of Income The Chief Executive Officer is a state government
The two chief sources of income for a Nagar officer who functions as the administrative head.
Panchayat are taxes and grants from the state He executes the decisions of a Nagar Palika. He is
assisted by a large number of government officials,
government. Different types of taxes levied by a
Nagar Panchayat include octroi, taxes on houses, such as secretary, health officer, sanitary
buildings and shops, taxes on water and drainage inspectors, municipal engineers, inspectors,
education officers etc.
services etc.
The functions of a Nagar Palika are similar to
A Nagar Palika is constituted for towns and small those of a Nagar Nigam, the only difference being
cities. It is known by different names, such as that of extent.
Municipality, Municipal Council, Municipal
Committee, Municipal Board etc. It is a local self- NAGAR NIGAM
governing body.
The municipal corporation in very large cities is
Composition called Nagar Nigam, such as in Delhi, Kolkata,
Chennai, Ahmedabad, Kanpur, Meerut, Varanasi,
A Nagar Palika is an elected body, the number of
Hyderabad etc.
members of which varies from 15 to 60
depending on the size of area and population. A Quiz Time
citizen above the age of 25 years can contest Fill in the blanks :
elections and all citizens above the age of 18
years can cast votes if they are registered on the 1. A Nagar Palika is an ________ body.
electoral rolls. The town or city is divided into as 2. A Nagar Panchayat is established in a ________
many wards as members have to be elected. area.
Special wards for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled 3. The two chief sources of income for a Nagar
Tribes, Other Backward Classes and women are Panchayat are ________ and ________ .
created in order to give them representation in the
Nagar Palika. One-third of the total seats are 4. The members elect a ________ and a ________ .
reserved for women. The members of the state 5. The chief feature of urban local self-government
legislature (Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad) is ________ .
and members of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya
Sabha) elected from the area are the ex-officio
members of the Nagar Palika. In addition to them, Activity
some members are nominated depending on their Prepare a list of all the civic amenities and services
expert knowledge in some specific field or provided by the district administration in your
experience in municipal administration. area. Mention the official incharge of these
Local Self-Government in Urban Areas