Page 191 - SST Class 06
P. 191

Education                                                Sources of Income

            A Nagar Nigam/Palika builds and maintains               The chief sources of income for both Nagar
            schools for primary education, with all necessary       Nigam and Nagar Palika are taxes and grants.
            provisions like teachers, staff members, furniture      They levy taxes on transportation of goods,
            etc. In addition, it also opens and maintains public    property, business, professionals, water supply,
            libraries, reading rooms, museums, zoos etc. for        electricity supply etc. They also rent out property
            public education on various subjects.                   for an income. In addition, the state government
                                                                    gives annual and special grants to them for
            Public Conveniences
                                                                    meeting the annual budget. In addition, they can
            A Nagar Nigam/Palika also provides for different        apply for a loan from the state finance commission
            types of public conveniences, such as public            for different projects.
            toilets, urinals, parks, markets, fairs etc.

            Roads and Street Lights                                             GRIEVANCES AND PROTESTS
            A   Nagar   Nigam/Palika     also  constructs   and     The people living in a city or town have many
            maintains roads and street lights.                      needs    and    expectations    which    a    Nagar
                                                                    Nigam/Palika is supposed to meet but often fails
                                                                    to meet. There can be many causes for failure to
            An important function of a Nagar Nigam/Palika is        meet these needs and expectations— lack of
            to maintain different types of records of the city,     infrastructure, lack of staff, lack of funds etc.
            including births, deaths, industries, shops etc. It     However, the most important causes that are
            also issues different types of certificates.            surfacing in local self-governing bodies are
                                                                    corruption and lack of will to work. The cause of
            Miscellaneous Functions
                                                                    corruption is not far to seek. When councillors
            A Nagar Nigam/Palika has to perform various             spend a lot of money to get elected, the spirit of
            other functions depending on the nature of its          social service is hardly present in them, because
            jurisdiction, which may include fire fighting
                                                                    their primary aim is to make up the money they
            department, electricity department, tree plantation     have spent and to earn some more of it for fighting
            etc.                                                    the next elections.

                Quiz Time                                           When the needs of citizens are not met, it is
            Write True or False :                                   natural for them to have grievances. When these
                                                                    needs are not met over a long period of time, the
            1. The members of a Nagar Nigam are called              citizens may protest. The Constitution of India
               Councillors.                          ________
                                                                    gives the citizens the Fundamental Right to
            2. The functions of a Nagar Palika and a Nagar          express themselves in a peaceful manner. These
               Nigam are different in nature.        ________       protests are mostly in the form of petitions,

            3. The Mahapaur presides over the meetings of a
               Nagar Nigam.                          ________

            4. A vice chairman called Mayor.         ________
            5. A Nagar Nigam/Palika also constructs and
               maintains roads and street lights.    ________

                    Just Think!

            If public services are not carried out properly what
            should we do?                                                 A bulldozer demolishing an unlawful construction
                                                                              Local Self-Government in Urban Areas
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