Page 196 - SST Class 06
P. 196
Law and Order Jail
An important function of a district administration There is a jail in each district under the charge of a
is to maintain law and order, because this is the Jailor , who is assisted by Deputy Jailors and other
first need of a civil society. No progress and subordinate staff. The jails are used to imprison
development can take place without law and offenders and those under trial. Men and women
order in the society. In this task, the District are kept separately. The inmates of a jail are
Officer is assisted by the Superintendent of Police engaged in such skills as tailoring, carpentry,
(SP) for the whole district. A district is divided into weaving etc. Effort is made to change the mindset
circles , each under the charge of a Deputy of criminals by introducing yoga and moral
Superintendent of Police (DSP). Each circle is lessons.
further divided into Thanas (police stations) each Quiz Time
headed by an Inspector of Police. An Inspector of
Police is assisted by a number of Sub-Inspectors Fill in the blanks :
(SIs), Asst Sub-inspectors (ASIs), Head Constables 1. An important function of a district
and Constables. At the village level, constables administration is to maintain ____________ .
and chowkidars are appointed keeping in view the
size and population of a village. 2. The administrative structure of a district is
called ____________ .
3. A district is further divided into ____________ ,
____________ and ____________ .
4. The District Officer is assisted by the
____________ for the whole district.
5. The jails are used to imprison ____________
and those under ____________ .
Land Records and Land Revenue
Land revenue is an important source of income for
A police station the government. The land records are maintained
Villages are divided into areas and put under under the charge of the District Officer. The
different police stations. Each police station is district is divided into tehsils for this purpose,
responsible for maintenance of law and order of each under the charge of a Tehsildar . He is further
that area. The people of that particular area can assisted by a number of Naib-Tehsildars,
report cases of burglary, quarrels and accidents in Kanungos and Patwaris (Lekhpals).
the police station. The SHO or the Station House
A Patwari (Lekhpal) is an important link between
Officer is incharge of the police station. He has people and officers; he maintains land records and
many police constables under him. The SHO
assesses land revenue.
registers a case by taking a written statement of
the complaint. This is called the FIR , the First
Info Bits
Information Report . On the basis of the FIR, the Info Bits
SHO sends a constable to investigate the matter A High Court is the highest court of law in a state
and take necessary action.
and the Supreme Court of India is the highest court
of law in our country.
Info Bits
Info Bits
The Patwari maintains land records and collects
An FIR is a written document prepared by the revenue at the village level. He is also known as
police and contains the complaint registered by the the Lekhpal Karamchari or Village Officer .
victim. His main duties are measuring the land and
Contemporary Social Science-6