Page 199 - SST Class 06
P. 199

Suresh, refused. Arun and Deepak claimed that the       by sale, gift or inheritance. A person can sell or
            house was bought from the joint money, while            gift his property or any part thereof to any other
            Roshan and Suresh claimed that the house was            person or institution. It is in his right to make a
            bought by Mohanlal     alone out of his personal        will specifying who will get that property in case
            money, so they sought the eviction of Arun and          of his death. The person to whom this property is
            Deepak.                                                 given may or may not be his legal heir .

            One day, hot discussion took place followed by          In many cases, people die without making a will.
            blows and gunfire. Arun lost his life, while Roshan     In such a case, the property is inherited by the
            lost his right leg. Injuries were received by other     legal heir(s). The legal heirs of a person include
            family members also. A First Information Report         his/her  spouse,    sons,   daughters   and   other
            (FIR) was lodged with the police, which are now         relatives. Under the new Inheritance Law, the
            investigating the case. Deepak has also filed a civil   rights of the sons and daughters have been
            case for the partition of the house.                    brought on an equal footing; that is, they both
                                                                    share the parental property equally.
            When the civil case was brought before the District
            Judge, he enquired from the Patwari about the           In the case of the death of a person, the property
                                                                    is inherited by his/her spouse, followed by the
            details of the house. The Patwari showed the land
                                                                    sons and daughters. In case of absence of spouse,
            records and said that the house was one unit on the
            name of Mohanlal, and no part of it had ever been       sons and daughters of the deceased, the property
                                                                    is inherited by his parents, brothers and sisters. In
            transferred to anybody else.
                                                                    case there is no legal heir to the property, the state
            After questioning a number of witnesses and actual      becomes the legal heir.
            utilisation of the house, the District Judge ruled that
                                                                    The person inheriting the property inherits it as
            the house belonged to both Mohanlal and Sohanlal        well as the debt; however, he inherits the debt to
            equally, so the house should be partitioned
                                                                    the extent not exceeding the value of the
            between the two parties.
                                                                    inheritance received by him.
            However, the criminal case for murder and violence
            continues in the Sessions Court, and a decision may             Just Think!
            not come in the near future.
             New Inheritance Law                                     Is the new Inheritance Law, a step towards
                                                                     improving the status of women in society?
            The property can pass from one person to another

            v A district is an important unit of administration under the charge of a District Officer.

            v The functions of a District Officer can be divided into five categories—law and order, land records and land
               revenue, civic amenities and development, supervision of local self-governments, and relief work.

            v The law and order is maintained in the district with the help of police organisation.
            v A Patwari (Lekhpal) is an important link in matters pertaining to land records and land revenue.
            v A district administration coordinates various agencies for providing and maintaining civic amenities and
            v The courts of law in a district can be divided into civil and criminal courts.
            v The daughters have been brought at par with sons under the new Inheritance Law.

                                                                                           District Administration
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