Page 197 - SST Class 06
P. 197

maintaining    records   of  size   of   the  land,     and Nagar Nigam in urban areas. A district
            maintaining records of land owner (the number of        administration supervises and coordinates the
            people who own that land), maintaining records          functioning of these institutions so that there is no
            of the crops grown at every harvest, collecting         duplication of effort.
            land revenue, irrigation dues, etc. from the             Relief Work
            farmers, reporting all  serious calamities affecting
            the land or the crops and outbreak of diseases          The people of a district might be afflicted by
            among people as well as animals to the                  natural   disasters   like   floods,   earthquakes,
            authorities.                                            volcanoes, droughts etc. or man-made disasters
                                                                    like fire and vehicular accidents. In case of a
            The Patwari regularly updates his records when
                                                                    disaster like these, a district administration forms a
            there are changes, such as when a farmer rents out      disaster management team(s) and does whatever it
            his land, buys more land, changes the crop grown        can to provide relief to the people. If the calamity
            or divides his land among family members. The
                                                                    is too big for it to handle single-handedly, then it
            Patwari also provides a copy of his records to the      seeks   the  help   of   surrounding   districts  or
            villagers or the payment of a small for when they       state/central government.
            need to apply for a loan, land transfer etc.
                                                                    It is the duty of all citizens to come to the aid of
             Civic Amenities and Development
                                                                    the district administration in case of a disaster.
            A district administration has to look after civic        Provision of Water
            amenities and development of the district as a
                                                                    You receive water from the water tap in your
            whole. It has to undertake numerous functions
            such as construction of roads, streets, street lights,   house or school. The source of this water can be
            laying   of    water    pipes,   electricity  lines,    an overhead tank or a canal/river nearby. An
                                                                    overhead tank is constructed to draw underground
            construction    of   parks,   museums,     schools,
            hospitals, government buildings, public toilets and     water by the government through its agencies, like
            urinals etc. In this task, it is assisted by the local  a Nagar Nigam or Public Works Department
                                                                    (PWD). Pipes are also laid from the overhead tank
            self-governments in both rural and urban areas. It
            also coordinates the work of various state              to the neighbourhoods to which water has to be
            government and central government agencies and          supplied. The people can connect their houses
                                                                    with the water pipes laid by such agency and get
            departments     which     are    concerned     with
            development, such as public works department,           water in their houses. If the overhead tank was
                                                                    constructed by any other agency than the local
            irrigation   department,     rural    development
                                                                    self-government, it is handed over to the Nagar
            authority, urban development authority etc.
                                                                    Palika/Nigam for maintenance and operation.
                                                                    If the source of your water is a canal or river, it is
                                                                    constructed by the government through its
                                                                    agencies like the Irrigation Department which can
                                                                    lay   water    pipes    to   the   neighbourhoods
                                                                    with/without the cooperation of the local self-
                                                                    government. Once the water pipes have been
                                                                    laid, it is handed over to the Nagar Palika/Nigam
                                                                    for maintenance and operation.
                          A flyover under construction              Judicial Administration
             Supervision      of   Local    Self-Government
                                                                    A district is a unit for administration of justice
                                                                    also. Different types of offences and disputes can
            You have studied various local self-government          occur in a district. The judicial administration of a
            institutions, such as Zila Panchayat in rural areas     district helps in resolving them. The courts of law
                                                                                           District Administration
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