Page 202 - SST Class 06
P. 202
Livelihoods 30
q Types of occupations q Rural livelihoods
q Debts and suicides q Urban livelihoods
q Relation between rural and urban occupations
The basic requirements of man are food, shelter
and clothes whether he lives in a village or a city.
The people living both in rural and urban areas earn
livelihood to fulfil their basic requirements. The
occupation they follow are different according to Trader Manufacturer Transporter
the facilities and the areas they belong to.
Tertiary Occupations
TYPES OF OCCUPATIONS The people engaged in tertiary occupations
include those who provide services of different
The earliest occupation of man was gathering food kinds, they do not produce anything, their
and hunting animals. The development of science expertise in a field is the source of their
and technology too has helped in the rise of many occupation, such as doctors, nurses, advocates,
new occupations. All occupations can be pilots, drivers, engineers, architects, accountants,
classified under three broad categories—primary , clerks, salesmen etc.
secondary and tertiary .
Primary Occupations
The people engaged in primary occupations
include those who deal with the natural products
directly, such as farmers, fishermen, miners,
hunters etc.
Architect Accountant Salesman
We find primary occupations centred in villages
with some secondary occupations and hardly any
tertiary occupations. There are few primary
occupations in towns and cities, while most of the
secondary and tertiary occupations are centred
A farmer Fisherman Miner there.
Secondary Occupations
The people engaged in secondary occupations There are over 6,00,000 villages in India. There
include those who deal with processing and trade
of natural goods in different forms, such as traders, are not many opportunities of occupations
available in villages in which the people can be
millers, manufacturers, transporters etc.
Contemporary Social Science-6