Page 203 - SST Class 06
P. 203
engaged. Though villages have shown signs of imagination over the decades, though a change is
prosperity with time, yet most of the villagers are perceptible in many villages because some
still poor. Moreover, there are hardly any facilities villagers have become very prosperous, though
by which the rural people can acquire skills in most others live a hard life. Modern scientific
different occupations. These facilities are available appliances, improved seeds and scientific
in towns and cities. It is not possible for all methods of farming have helped farmers to grow
villagers to go to towns and cities and acquire more in limited time and on limited land. We can
such skills due to various social and financial see tractors, water pumps, threshers etc. in all
problems. As such they are forced to lead a villages, while the age-old oxen-drawn ploughs
substandard life in villages. are the things of the past. Of course, all farmers
are not so lucky.
We can divide farmers into three categories—large
farmers, middle farmers and landless farmers.
A large farmer is a prosperous man because he
holds a lot of land in the village. Generally, he
A farmer A village tea shop A weaver himself does not work on the field. He gets work
F ind Outind Out done by labourers. Since his produce is large,
traders from towns and cities come to buy his
How does the government help people who have produce. He has resources and knows a lot of
seasonal employment? people, so it is not difficult for him to get a loan
from a bank or other assistance from the
Rural livelihoods chiefly comprise of primary
occupations, with some secondary and tertiary government. Because his financial condition is
strong, he often becomes the Pradhan in the
occupations. The chief source of primary
occupations in villages is agriculture. Different village.
types of cereals, pulses, spices, fruits and Quiz Time
vegetables are grown by farmers. Farmers have to Fill in the blanks :
transport their produce to urban areas for
marketing and processing. Since all markets and 1. There are over __________ villages in India.
processing industries are also set up in urban 2. The earliest occupation of man was __________
areas, the secondary occupations have not and __________ food.
developed in villages.
3. The chief occupation in villages is __________ .
The secondary occupations that have developed
4. A large farmer is a __________ man.
in rural areas are on a very small scale, such as
shopkeepers, weavers, carpenters, ironsmiths, 5. The people engaged in __________ occupations
carpet-makers etc. They chiefly meet the needs of include those who provide services of different
the farmers. The tertiary occupations are still kinds.
smaller in villages, such as doctors. Unfortunately, A middle farmer is a person whose landholding is
the doctors practising in villages are not well not very large. He works on his farm with his
qualified and many of them are quacks. family. The produce is hardly sufficient to meet
Farmers his annual needs, so he has to work on a larger
farmer’s field to get some extra money.
The chief occupation in villages is agriculture. The Sometimes, he also makes baskets, ropes etc. in
people engaged in agriculture are called farmers. order to make both ends meet. At present he is
When we say the name of a farmer, the picture of
very worried because he will have to divide his
a simple-looking and hard-working man comes field between his three sons and the size of each
before our eyes. Much has not changed in this
of these three fields will be so small that they