Page 205 - SST Class 06
P. 205
occupations in towns as compared to villages. capital, such as tailors, doctors, barbers, cobblers,
While most of the people in villages are engaged lawyers, architects, editors, musicians etc.
in primary occupations; the people in towns are
mostly engaged in secondary and tertiary
occupations. You can find only a few people
engaged in primary occupations, such as dairy-
owners, vegetable-growers, fruit-growers, miners
etc. There is a larger scope for secondary
occupations, as most villagers bring their produce Barber Cobbler Lawyer
for sale in the town. Therefore, we find a large
A salaried person is the one who gets a regular
number of oil-millers, manufacturers, carpenters, salary for his job, such as managers, accountants,
weavers, traders etc. in towns.
clerks, salesmen etc. These people work in some
A large number of people are also engaged in factory, office, bank or shop.
tertiary occupations in towns, such as drivers, mill
workers, electricians, plumbers, masons, tailors,
servants, rickshaw-pullers, vendors etc. These are
the people who sell their services. In addition to
them, a lot of people are salaried employees in
factories, industries, banks, government and
private offices, shops etc. Factory Office Bank
A wage-earner is a person who works on a daily
basis, such as masons, labourers, painters,
carpenters etc.
A rickhsaw puller A vegetable vendor
Mason Labourer Painter
The classification of workers into self-employed,
salaried and wage-earner is not very definite,
because a person can be a self-employed at one
time, a salaried at another and a wage-earner at
the third; for example, an electrician can be a self-
employed worker if he has opened his shop, can
be a salaried worker if he joins an organisation on
A truck driver A carpenter
a salary and he can work on a construction site for
We can divide the people in tertiary occupations a daily wage.
into three categories—self-employed salaried and
wage-earner . Quiz Time
Write True or False :
1. A wage-earner is a person who works on a daily
Make a list of the professions which can fall in self basis. ________
employed and salaried both.
2. The towns are not more densely populated than
A self-employed is a person who has set up his villages. ________
business in service with his own expertise and