Page 208 - SST Class 06
P. 208

F.   Answer in one word or phrase :
                 1.  What type of occupations deal with natural resources directly?
                 2.  What type of occupations deal in services?
                 3.  What is an unqualified and untrained person called who claims to be a doctor?

                 4.  What type of a farmer is the one who lives away in town?
                 5.  What are needed to become a self-employed person?
                 6.  What does a salaried person get?
            G.   Answer the questions in brief :
                 1.   What are the three types of occupations? Compare them.

                 2.  How different are occupations in villages and towns?
                 3.  Who is an active farmer?
                 4.  What is the difference between an active farmer and a dormant farmer?
                 5.  What do the people do in towns who have migrated from villages?
                 6.  How can the problem of migration be solved?

            H.   Answer the questions in detail :
                 1.   What type of occupations can you find in urban areas?
                 2.   What are the main problems faced by farmers in India?
                 3.  What are the three classes of tertiary occupations? Compare them.
                 4.   How can the same person be self-employed, salaried and wage-earner at different times?
                 5.   What are the three types of farmers? What difficulties are faced by a middle farmer?
                 6.  How does the size of a landholding decrease? How does it result in poverty?

                 1.   What steps should be taken by the government to stop migration of the villages to cities?
                 2.   Cities are overcrowded with slum dwellers and street dwellers. How do you think this problem can
                      be solved?

                 Unemployment is a big problem in our country. Unemployment, as defined by the International labour
                 Organisation, occurs when people are without jobs. There are large number of people who are able and
                 willing to work but do not find any gainful work. There are others who get work during some parts of
                 the year but remain unemployed during the rest of the year.
                 However, government is doing its best to tackle this problem by increasing employment opportunities
                 in both rural and urban area. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the Prime Minister’s
                 Rozgar Yojana and the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarogar Yojana are some programmes formulated by the
                 government to help remove unempolyment.Under the self-employment scheme, the nationalised
                 banks are giving loans to young persons. In this way, the government is helping the unemployed with
                 money to start their own work and be self-employed.

                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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