Page 206 - SST Class 06
P. 206
3. A landless farmer is a person who has no of such people also work as labourers in
landholding of his own. ________ construction or housemaids in houses.
4. The government had made effort to provide Migration of a large
loans to all types of farmers. ________ number of people from
villages to towns results in
5. Only about 20 percent of farmer families can be an increase in the urban
called middle farmers. ________ population. It pressurises
the urban infrastructure; it
makes roads, schools and
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RURAL hospitals overcrowded. A pan-khokha
The problem of migration can be solved if
Due to inadequate availability of jobs in rural opportunities for employment are created in
areas, a lot of villagers migrate to towns. Most of villages. The government has initiated rural
them are not skilled in any job, so they have to employment schemes in order to create
seek such jobs which do not demand a high skill, employment opportunities in villages. These
such as workers at a construction site. These schemes have changed the rural scenario
people gather at a point in the town where the somewhat, but most of the work remains undone.
people come to hire them. A lot of these people In addition to this, facilities for secondary and
also become hawkers selling different types of higher education, medical treatment, transport,
articles, like fruits, vegetables, bangles, garments, electricity, telecommunication etc. should be
ice-creams etc. Many of them set up temporary created in rural areas so that they can be self-
stalls on the roadside to earn a living. The women sufficient in most of their needs.
v The three types of occupations are primary, secondary and tertiary.
v We find primary occupations chiefly in villages and secondary and tertiary occupations chiefly in towns.
v The three types of farmers are large farmers, middle farmers and landless farmers.
v An active farmer works on his field while a dormant farmer lives away in town.
v Being unable to meet their needs, farmers have to take loans from moneylenders and suffer lifelong.
v The tertiary occupations can be divided into self-employed, salaried and wage-earner.
v Due to lack of infrastructure and employment in villages, the people migrate to towns.
A. Tick (3) the right option :
1. ____________ occupations deal with natural products directly.
(a) primary (b) secondary (c) tertiary
2. We can divide farmers into ____________ categories.
(a) one (b) two (c) three
3. Since almost 80 percent of the villagers are ____________ .
(a) poor (b) rich (c) none of these
Contemporary Social Science-6