Page 190 - SST Class 06
P. 190

Composition                                            Public Hygiene

            A Nagar Nigam is an elected body. The number of         This is an important function which helps to
            its members varies from 50 to 100 depending on the      maintain cleanliness in the city. It includes
            size of population of a city, with some exceptions, as   collection and disposal of waste and garbage,
            the New Delhi Municipal Corporation has 134             cleaning of drainage systems, spray of medicines
            members while the Kolkata Municipal Corporation         for prevention of diseases and epidemics etc.
            has 121 members. The members of a Nagar Nigam
            are called Councillors. The city is divided into as
            many wards as members have to be elected. One
            member is elected from each ward. All adults above
            the age of 18 years, registered on electoral rolls, can
            cast votes to elect councillors.
            The members elect a chairperson called Mahapaur
            or Mayor     and a vice chairman called Up-
            Mahapaur    or Deputy Mayor      . The Mahapaur
            presides over the meetings of a Nagar Nigam. The
            members also elect some experienced and                           A Nagar Nigam vehicle disposing waste
            respectable   people   of   the  city,  known     as    Public Health
            aldermen . Some seats are reserved for the people
                                                                    Dispensaries and hospitals are set up in different
            of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
            Other Backward Classes. One-third of the total          parts of the city with qualified doctors and other
            seats are reserved for women.                           subordinate staff. Provision is also made for
                                                                    medicines and other medical care instruments.
            The members of the state legislature (Vidhan            Vaccinations and inoculations are given for
            Sabha and Vidhan Parishad) and members of the           prevention from diseases, such as the pulse polio
            Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) are ex-          programme. Action is also taken against food
            officio members of the Nagar Nigam. Some seats          adulteration.
            may be filled by nominated persons having
            special knowledge or experience in municipal
             Municipal Commissioner
            The decisions taken by the Nagar Nigam are
            executed    by   an    officer  called   Municipal
            Commissioner    or Nagar Ayukta   . He is a state
            government employee. He has a large number of
            officers and other subordinate staff to assist him in
            his   functions,   such   as   deputy    municipal
            commissioners,          assistant        municipal                       A government hospital
            commissioners,     medical    officers,  veterinary     Water
            officers, education officers, engineers, public         A Nagar Nigam/Palika provides for water from
            relation officers etc.
                                                                    different sources, such as by digging wells, ponds
             Functions                                              and canals or constructing overhead tanks for
                                                                    drawing underground water. It also keeps a watch
            The functions of a Nagar Palika and a Nagar
            Nigam are similar in nature, the only difference        over water pollution and recycling of water. It lays
                                                                    the network of water pipes for supply of water in
            being that of extent. Their functions can be
            divided under the following points :                    different parts of the city.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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