Page 188 - SST Class 06
P. 188

Local Self-Government

                                                                       in Urban Areas                   28

             q   Urban institutions of the government               q   Nagar Panchayat
             q   Nagar Palika                                       q   Nagar Nigam

            Introduction                                            town or city depends on its size, nature and extent
                                                                    of civic functions. At present, there are three types
            Urban administration is different from the rural
                                                                    of local self-government in urban areas—Nagar
            administration. Urban areas require a vast network
            of public services like sanitation, electricity and     Panchayat, Nagar Palika and Nagar Nigam.
            water supply. A better infrastructure regarding
            drainage, roads, sub-ways is needed in urban areas                       NAGAR PANCHAYAT
            that is according to their needs and requirements.      A Nagar Panchayat is established for a village that
            The most of the people of rural areas are engaged       has grown in size and population, yet it is not as
            in agricultural and allied occupations and the          big as a town. In other words, a Nagar Panchayat
            people of urban areas are engaged in production,        is established in a transitional area which is
            business, services etc.                                 converting from rural to urban area, where it is not
                                                                    appropriate to set up a Nagar Palika, yet which is
            The urban areas comprise of less than one-third of
                                                                    considered appropriate to set up an urban local
            the total population of India, yet they are densely     self-governing body.
            populated. The population of a town increases
            very rapidly on account of several factors. A town      Whether an area is fit for setting up a Nagar
            has many facilities which a village lacks; for          Panchayat is decided on the basis of density of
            example, higher education, good medical facilities      population, the percentage of population engaged
            etc. Many villagers come to towns in the morning        in non-agricultural activities, revenue collection
            for service or business and return in the evening.      from the area and economic importance of the
            Many of them decide to settle in towns                  area.
            permanently. The migration of rural people to
            urban areas is a chief cause of rising population in
            towns, especially large cities. Since towns are         A Nagar Panchayat is an elected body. The
                                                                    number of members varies from place to place
            densely populated, their needs are different from
            those of villages. Their needs are larger because of    which can be from 9 to 20. The area is divided
            a larger population and they have also to meet the      into as many wards as members have to be
                                                                    elected. All citizens above the age of 18 years can
            needs of the surrounding villages in many
            respects.                                               cast votes if they are registered on the electoral
                                                                    rolls. Any citizen above the age of 21 years can
            The local self-government in urban areas is             contest elections. In addition to the elected
            manifested according to the type of the area, such      members, it also has nominated and ex-officio
            as    municipalities,     municipal     cooportion      members.
            cantonment boards, notified area committees,
            town area committees etc.                               A Nagar Panchayat is constituted for a term of five
                                                                    years, but it can be dissolved earlier if it is found
            The nature of urban local self-government in a
                                                                    incompetent or if it abuses its authority.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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