Page 176 - SST Class 06
P. 176

appoint a person as a minister who is not a             which in turn is responsible to the state assembly,
            member of either of the houses, but such person         the members of whose are elected by the people.
            has to be elected to one of these houses within six
                                                                    In districts, the chairman of a Nagar Nigam (called
                                                                    Mayor or Mahapaur) is responsible to the
            The President is the head of the                        Municipal Committee, the members of which are
            state; he is also elected by the                        elected by the people.
            people indirectly, that is, he is
                                                                    In villages, the members of the Gram Sabha are
            elected by the representatives                          elected by the people directly.
            who    were   elected   by    the
            people.      All     government                                F ind Outind Out
            business is carried in the name     Ram Nath Kovind
            of the President, but he is only the nominal head.       Find out news items regarding the government that
            He has to act according to the advice rendered by        caught your attention.
            the Council of Ministers, headed by the Prime
            Minister.                                                            RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT
                                                                    The Government of India functions at the centre,
            This makes the Prime Minister all powerful
                                                                    in the states, in the districts and in villages. As
            because the President is bound by the advice of
            the Council of Ministers.                               such, it is a very large organisation. It has to
                                                                    perform a large number of functions at different
            However, the Council of Ministers cannot do             levels. Some difference of opinion or conflicts can
            anything of its free will, because all its actions      arise in its functioning. The conflicts can arise
            have to be approved in the Parliament. The              between two houses of Parliament—the Lok Sabha
            ministers are responsible to the Parliament             and the Rajya Sabha; between the centre and
            individually and collectively. If the Parliament        state(s);   between/among        states;   between
            rejects any action of the Council of Ministers, one     government and citizens; and between/among
            or all ministers have to resign.                        citizens. A mechanism has been created by which
            Thus, we see that the people participate in the         the conflicts are resolved.
            government      directly    or    indirectly.   The     The   conflicts  between    the   two   houses    of
            accountability of every political official in the       Parliament are resolved at the joint session of the
            government has been ensured in order to prevent         Parliament. The conflicts between centre and
            any misuse of power. The President is the               state(s) and between/among states are resolved by
            supreme officer, but he is bound by the advice of       mutual talks and the assistance of the Supreme
            the Council of Ministers, which in turn is              Court    or   High
            responsible to the Parliament, which in turn is         Court(s)  can   be
            responsible to the people. Thus, this mechanism         taken.         The
            ensures    participation  of    the   people    and     conflicts between
            accountability of all political officials to the        government     and
            people.                                                 citizens       and
                   PARTICIPATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY                 citizens        are

                    IN STATES, DISTRICTS AND VILLAGES               resolved by the         Sharing river water is a cause
                                                                    courts of law.            of conflict between states
            The   same    mechanism     of   participation  and
            accountability exists at all levels of government.
                                                                           CONCERNS FOR EQUALITY AND JUSTICE
            In the states, the Governor is the head of the state
            who has to act according to the advice of the           Equality and justice are two essentials which a
            Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister,      civilised society must possess. In the pre-
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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