Page 174 - SST Class 06
P. 174

is answerable to the legislature; but in a           compare the two types of government under the
               presidential government, the President is not a      following points :
               member     of   the   legislature  and   is  not     q   In a unitary government, all powers are vested
               answerable to the legislature.
                                                                        in the union; while in a federal government,
            q  In a parliamentary government, the head of the           the powers are divided between the union and
               government remains in the office so long he              the provinces. The federal government holds
               enjoys the confidence of the legislature and             those powers which are common to all
               can be removed from his office by majority               provinces, for example, currency, defence,
               vote; while in a presidential government, the            foreign affairs etc., while the provincial
               President remains in the office for a fixed term         governments are given authority to deal in
               and cannot be removed from his office except             matters   of  local   interest,  for  example,
               by impeachment.                                          education, local taxes, jail, agriculture, health,
                                                                        sanitation etc.

                                                                    q   In a unitary government, the Constitution may
                                                                        or may not be written, but in a federal
                                                                        government, it is written. All laws made in the
                                                                        country have to be in conformance to the
               White House in America   Parliament of Great Britain
                                                                    q   The   judiciary  is  supreme     in  a   federal
            Both of parliamentary and presidential forms of
                                                                        government. It interprets the laws made by the
            government     are    good    and    are   working          federal and provincial governments. It also
            successfully in different countries. India and
                                                                        settles any disputes arising between federal
            Britain are good examples of parliamentary form             and provinces and between/among provinces.
            of government; while America and Brazil are good
            examples of presidential form of government.            We can find unitary governments in Britain and
                                                                    China; while federal governments in America and
                 Info Bits                                          India.
                 Info Bits
                                                                      FUNCTIONING OF A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT
            The subjects on which laws can be made by the
            Indian   government     are  divided   into   three     Since a democratic government is elected by the
            lists—the Union List for the union government,          people, it is necessary that it functions for the
            the State List for the states and the Concurrent List   well-being of the common people.
            for both union and state governments; however, if
            both of them make laws on a subject, the      union      Collective Sanction of the People
            law shall prevail.                                      Collective   sanction   is  also   called popular
                                                                    opinion . Collective sanction or will of the people
             Unitary or Federal
                                                                    is  manifested  in  certain  types  of  government.  A
            A unitary government functions at one tier, that is,    government backed by the collective sanction of
            all powers are centralised in a single union            the  people  is  a  popular  government  and  enjoys
            government. The powers of the union government          the confidence of the people. On the contrary, a
            are absolute. However, in a federal government,         government   that  does  not  heed  to  the  collective
            there are two tiers of authority—the federal            sanction of the people is not popular and we can
            government at the centre and the provincial             see  popular    movements     rising  against  such
            governments in the provinces (states). A unitary        governments.    This  is  the  reason  that  we  see
            government is effective when the territory under        popular movements in Burma, Iraq and Pakistan.
            its control is small; but when the territory is large,   In  China,   such   movements      are   ruthlessly
            it is better to have a federal government. We can       crushed.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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