Page 169 - SST Class 06
P. 169
for example, the people in Myanmar were suffering
However, up to the end of the medieval age, the
ruler had all authority in his hands. under the military rulers but now there are
parliamentary form of government. Some countries
The scenario started to change in the modern are always threatened by military which often takes
times. The Industrial Revolution in England and
over the government, like in Pakistan. At present,
Europe made the people aware. They realized that there is a parliamentary government in Pakistan,
the rulers enjoyed while the common people but the threat of the army overtaking it looms large
suffered. So, a kind of dissatisfaction brewed and
at all times. Now the trend in the world is in favour
it resulted into revolts against the rulers. of giving the people the right to vote. Recently,
The first revolution occurred in England over a Nepal and Bhutan have opted for this.
long period from 1642 to 1689 after which a Activity
constitutional government was established. The
American Revolution took place in 1775-83; the Collect pictures of President and Prime Ministers
French Revolution took place in 1789 and the and other cabinet ministers of India and paste
them in your scrapbook.
Russian Revolution took place in 1917-22. These
revolutions resulted in the popular movements in History of Universal Adult Franchise in
different countries of the world. In recent times, India
we have seen such a revolution in Nepal, in India was under the British government until
which the power was transferred from the king to
1947. Prior to 1919, the Indian people had no
the representatives of the people.
right to vote. Only 3 percent of the people were
The people had to suffer greatly in order to given the right to vote in 1919 under the
possess the right to vote. For example, the black Government of India Act, 1919. This privilege was
people had no right to vote in extended to 10 percent people under the
South Africa and they had to Government of India Act, 1935, but its primary
fight for this right over a long aim was to divide the Indian people on communal
period under the leadership of lines.
Nelson Mandela . This struggle Since the coming of the Constitution of India into
is called the anti-apartheid force, all adult people of India have been given
struggle. Now the black people
Nelson Mandela the right to vote. It is the duty of every citizen to
too have this right.
vote for able and meritorious candidates. We
Quiz Time ought not listen to the selfish interests of certain
sections of people. We should think for the
Write True or False :
welfare of the entire country. The leaders who try
1. The French Revolution took place in 1775. to divide people on caste, communal, regional or
________ other bases are wicked. We must not vote for such
2. The people are the source of sovereignty. leaders, because they have done and are doing
more harm than good.
3. The mechanism of decision-making and
participation is a democratic process. ________
4. Nelson Mandela fought against discrimination.
5. The ruler ruled with the help of an advisors.
The people of some countries are not fortunate
even now. They are struggling to possess this right;
Jawaharlal Nehru in Parliament
The Government and Suffrage