Page 175 - SST Class 06
P. 175

Just Think!                                     government works according to the collective
                                                                    sanction. If a government works contrary to the
                                                                    collective sanction, it may have to face problems,
            Is a voter’s ID card an important document for a        also it may not be re-elected in the next elections.
            citizen and why?
                                                                    A state is formed of people of different classes.
            A democracy manifests collective sanction of the        There are certain minorities whose number may
            people, so we can call it the best form of
                                                                    not be sufficient to form the collective sanction.
            government. A democracy can be parliamentary
                                                                    Such minorities are formed on religious, regional,
            or presidential, but it certainly manifests the         cultural, linguistic and other bases. Generally, the
            collective sanction of the people.
                                                                    majority view does not go against those measures
                Quiz Time                                           which are aimed at the well-being of the
                                                                    minorities. However, it should not result in the
            Fill in the blanks :
                                                                    violation of rights of the majority people.
            1. The form of a government can be classified on        Sometimes it is seen that the government takes
               different ____________  .                            certain welfare measures for the minority groups
            2. India and Britain are good examples of               which go against the wishes of the majority
               ____________    form of government.                  because they are prejudiced. Such things are done
                                                                    by the government with the vote-bank in view. In
            3. The judiciary is supreme in a ____________
               government.                                          view    of   such    dirty-politics,  the   political
                                                                    atmosphere of the country can be vitiated. So, a
            4. A    democracy    can   be   ____________     or     government should avoid such measures.
               ____________   .
            5. In a presidential government, the President is              PARTICIPATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY
               not a member of the ____________    .                           IN THE UNION GOVERNMENT

             Collective Sanction is the Majority View               In our country, all political posts are filled up by the
                                                                    popular vote, directly or indirectly. The Parliament
            It is not possible for a large population to hold
                                                                    of India is bicameral, that is, it comprises of two
            similar or uniform views on all matters, since          houses—Lok Sabha     and Rajya Sabha .
            collective sanction of the people is formed on
            different bases, like information, religion, region,    The members of the Lok Sabha are elected directly
            need, culture etc. Therefore, when the people           by the people. The majority party forms the
            who support an idea or a project are more               government, that is, its leader is appointed the
            numerous than the people who oppose it, we can          Prime Minister. Sometimes, no party enjoys
            say that it is the collective sanction of the people.   majority in the Lok Sabha, in such a case, two or
                                                                    more parties come together to form a coalition.
             Expression for Collective Sanction
                                                                    The leader of the coalition becomes the Prime
            Collective sanction of the people is expressed to       Minister.
            the   government    by   a   number     of  means.      The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by
            Newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, books,      the people indirectly; that is, they are elected by
            political parties, demonstrations etc. are the
                                                                    the representatives who were elected by the
            important means which help to express collective        people.
                                                                    The Prime Minister forms his
             Need for Collective Sanction in Decision-              Council    of  Ministers   (also
                                                                    called Cabinet) from among
            A representative government should work for the         the members of the Lok Sabha
            well-being of the people. So, it is essential that the   and Rajya Sabha. He can also
                                                                                                         Narendra Modi
                                                                                            Forms of Government
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