Page 94 - SST Class 06
P. 94

Quiz Time                                           the numerals are called Indo-Arabic system of
                                                                    numerals .
            Fill in the blanks :
                                                                    Algebra owes its origin to Indians and Greeks.
            1. India has rich traditions in the fields of           Geometry was used in making the sacrificial pot
               ___________   , ___________  and ___________  .
                                                                    for yajnas. The acute, right and obtuse angles
            2. Two great epics are the ___________          and     were also known to the Indians in ancient times.
               ___________   .
            3. The pillars, inscriptions and buildings tell a tall
               tale of fine ___________  methods.                   Diagnosis of diseases and their treatment by the
                                                                    use of herbs is an ancient system in India. The
            4. Men and women were fond of ___________               Atharvaveda    mentions many such herbs and
               from the very beginning.                             diseases. Sushruta, Charak and Dhanvantari were

            5. Sanskrit was the ___________    language of the      great medicine men of their times. Sushruta, in his
               ____________ rulers.                                 Sushruta Samhita, has described the methods of
                                                                    operating cataract, stone disease and some other
                                  SCIENCE                           diseases. He has even mentioned 121 implements
                                                                    for surgery. Similarly, the Charak Samhita, written
            Ancient India made much progress in sciences—           by Charak, is a compilation of names of Indian
            mathematics, astronomy, medicine, metallurgy
                                                                    medicines made from plants and herbs.
            and technology.
            Mathematics and Astronomy
                                                                          Info Bits
                                                                          Info Bits
            Aryabhatta     and    Varahmihira      were     fine
            mathematicians    and    astronomers.    Aryabhatta      The ancient Indian system of medicine is known as
            wrote in his Aryabhatiya that it is the earth which      Ayurveda which uses herbs and plants for curing
            moves round the sun, and not the other way               different diseases.
            round. No one believed him then, but now we             Metallurgy and Technology
            know he was right. He also said that the earth
            rotates on its axis. The Brihat Samhita       is an     You have already read about the Iron Pillar at
                                                                    Mehrauli. Besides, the Indian craftsmen were
            encyclopaedia of science written
            by   Varahmihira.    They   could                       adept at mixing different metals and making fine
            precisely calculate astronomical                        pieces of jewellery, images and tools. The Indian
                                                                    jewellery, made from gold, silver and stone, was
            movements       and      eclipses.
            Aryabhatta discovered the causes                        famous all over the world. India
            of eclipses and also measured                           made considerable progress in
            the circumference of the earth.        Aryabhatta       manufacturing cotton, woollen
                                                                    and silk garments. Also, several
            The concepts of decimal system and zero were            types of colours and dyes were
            parts of the Vedic mathematics. The positional          used for these clothes. Needle
            value of digits was calculated. The Indian method       work for doing embroidery too        Gold jewellery
            of numeration was learnt by Arab traders who            was in fashion.
            passed it on to Europeans. This is the reason that

            v Rich literature was composed during the ancient period.
            v The Puranas, the epics, the Tripitikas and the Angas are rich sources of history of the ancient times.
            v The Indian rulers in ancient times patronised arts, literature and sciences.
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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