Page 93 - SST Class 06
P. 93

Singh,   Mrichhakatikam      by    Shudraka     and     Men and women were fond of jewellery from the
            Panchatantra  by Vishnu Sharma are important of         very beginning. A number of pieces of jewellery
            them. The Ashtadhyayi by Panini and Arthashastra        have been excavated from even old Harappan
            by Chanakya are fine works of literature on             sites. With the passage of time, Indian craftsmen
            grammar and polity respectively.                        had attained expertise in designing jewellery and
                                                                    it was in great demand by even other countries.
            Tamil flourished in South India. We can find the
            early Tamil literature in the Sangam literature. It is   We find a number of monuments and buildings
            an important source of history dealing with             which prove that architecture was at its best in the
            different aspects of life—social,                       ancient times. We find a number of temples,
            religious,    economic       and                        stupas,   monasteries    and    other   monuments
            administrative. Other important                         belonging to the ancient period. The Buddhist
            pieces of Tamil literature are                          temple at Gaya, the stupa at Sanchi, the temples at
            two epics— Silppadikaram and                            Deogarh and Kanpur, the
            Manimekai and a poem by                                 Lingaraja      Temple       at
            Thiruvalluvar, a great poet.          Thiruvalluvar     Bhubaneswar, the Mahadeva
                                                                    Temple at Khajuraho and
                    Just Think!                                     many other temples in South

                                                                    India are the living proofs of
            Which script was one of the earliest known writing      the    marvellous      ancient
            systems developed in India?                             architecture.                       Sanchi Stupa
             Patronage of Literature by Rulers                      Activity

            It has been a matter of great satisfaction that the      Mark the sites of a few historical monuments of
            rulers in all parts of India patronised literature.      India on the map of India.
            Many of them were men of letters themselves.            The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli (Delhi) is an evidence
            They gave grants and assistance to poets, writers       of the height of metal work in the ancient times.
            and scholars in different fields.                       This pillar has not taken rust even after all these
                                                                    centuries. The brass images too substantiate this
                           ART AND ARCHITECTURE                     statement.

            Ancient India flourished in different art forms—        A fine woodwork was in vogue in ancient times.
            painting, sculpture, architecture, jewellery, metal     The people used to get their doors and windows
            work, woodwork and engineering.                         carved in different patterns. Many tools and
                                                                    showpieces too were made from wood.
            The paintings in the Ajanta and Ellora caves leave
            the visitors spellbound by their beauty and finery.     The ancient Harappan sites of Mohenjodaro and
                                                                    Harappan are sites of excellent engineering skills.
            A large number of images and other inscriptions
            have been found which belonged to the ancient           The pillars, inscriptions and buildings tell a tall
            period. These are the living proof of the height        tale of fine engineering methods. It is a wonder to
                                                                    transport inscribed pillars thousands of miles away
            that sculpture attained in those early times.
                                                                    without causing any damage to them. Moreover,
                                                                    these pillars have retained their polish which was
                                                                    done hundreds of years ago.

                                                                          Info Bits
                                                                          Info Bits
                                                                     Frescos of Ajanta caves are masterpieces of wall
                                                                     paintings representing scenes from the life of
                    Ajanta caves              Ellora caves
                                                                                             Culture and Science
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