Page 92 - SST Class 06
P. 92
Culture and Science 14
q Literature, including the Puranas, the epics, Sanskrit and Tamil work
q Architecture including early monasteries and temples, sculpture, painting
q Science
Introduction Epics : Two great epics of the Mahabharata and
India has made a remarkable contribution in the the Ramayana are very valuable because they
fields of literature, science and education. The continue to influence life even in the present
achievements of India in these fields are praised by times. They are an important source to know the
the whole world and attract a large number of condition of life and society in those days. They
tourists, from both within country and abroad. give vivid account of the
extent of empires, and the
LITERATURE relations and battles among
kingdoms. They tell us that the
Literature in ancient India was essentially religious women enjoyed a respectable
in nature, yet it encompassed all aspects of life. position in the society, while
Even the works in science are rooted in religion. there were prevalent the evils
One thing that is conspicuous by its absence is the of polygamy and gambling. Mahabharata
literature on history.
Buddhist and Jain Texts : The Buddhist literature
The rich ancient literature comprises the Vedas, flourished during the ancient period. The
Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Tripitikas and the Jataka Tales were composed
Jataka Tales, Tripitikas, Angas and Sangam during this time. Similarly, the Jain texts—Angas
literature. provide valuable historical information about the
prevailing times. They help to reconstruct history.
Info Bits
Info Bits Sanskrit and Other Texts : The Sanskrit literature
flourished during the ancient period. Sanskrit was
The Manusmriti was composed between 200 BC and the court language of the Gupta rulers. The
200 AD. The other Smritis must have been written Buddhist scholars, who used Pali in the beginning,
after that period.
began to prefer Sanskrit to Pali. You have read
Puranas : There are a total of eighteen Puranas, about Kalidasa. He wrote a number of plays like
each of them divided into five parts. From the Abhijnanashakuntalam, Vikramorvashi,
viewpoint of history, the fifth part is important as it Malavikagnimitra; epics like Raghuvansham and
throws valuable light on history. The important lyrics like Ritusambhara and Meghadutam. These
Puranas from the viewpoint of history are the works also provide important information about
Vishnu Purana, the Vayu Purana and the Matsya the ancient period.
Purana. They cite the names of different dynasties
In addition to these, a number of other works
like Purus, Nandas, Mauryas, Kushans, along with were written during this period. The Mudra
the names of towns, regions, mountains and
Rakshas by Vishakhadutta, Amarkosha by Amar
Contemporary Social Science-6