Page 99 - SST Class 06
P. 99

One such famous group is the Saptarishi      or Big     is the main source of heat and light on the Earth.
            Bear , which is a group of seven stars. This            The average distance of the Sun is about 15 crore
            constellation can be used to ascertain directions at    km. The sunlight takes over 8 minutes to reach the
            night. Its top two stars point to the Pole Star . The   earth.
            Pole Star is a bright star which always shines in       The Sun is very hot. The temperature at its surface
            the north direction. When we know one direction,        is about 6,000°C, while it is about 1,50,00,000°C
            it is easy to know the other three directions.          at its centre.

                  F ind Outind Out                                  The planets go round the Sun due to its
                                                                    gravitational pull.
            Find out the names of some more galaxies.
                                                                    The Planets

                             THE SOLAR SYSTEM                       We have told you that there are eight planets. In
                                                                    terms of size, the Jupiter is the largest. Other
            The Solar System means the family of the Sun. The
                                                                    planets in the decreasing order of size are : Saturn,
            Sun is a star which is nearest to us. In fact, the      Uranus,    Neptune,    Earth,  Venus,   Mars    and
            Earth goes round the Sun. The Earth is a planet.        Mercury.
            Like the Earth, there are seven more planets which
            go round the Sun. In the order of increasing
                                                                          Info Bits
            distance from the Sun, these eight planets are                Info Bits
            Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
                                                                     Until 2006, the Pluto was also considered to be a
            Uranus and Neptune. All these planets go round           planet, but now it has been downgraded in view of
            the Sun. Their path is called the orbit .
                                                                     its massive distance from the Sun.
            Thus, the Sun with its all planets and satellites       Four of these planets are made up of rocks and are
            comprises the Solar System.
                                                                    called terrestrial planets ; these are Mercury,
            The Sun                                                 Venus, Earth and Mars. The other four planets are
                                                                    made up of gases and are called gas giants  . These
            The Sun is a star. It is at the
            centre of the Solar System. It                          are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
            is the largest member of the                            The planets have no light of their own. They
            Solar System. All planets in                            reflect the light of the sun. All planets are
            this system go round it. The                            spherical in shape and revolve round the Sun from
            diameter of the Sun is about                            west to east (except Venus and Uranus). The
            109 times that of the Earth. It       The Sun           planets also rotate on their axes.

                           Venus          Mars


                                                             Solar System
                                                                                       Exploring The Solar System
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