Page 104 - SST Class 06
P. 104

Globe : The Model

                                                                            of the Earth                16

             q   Importance of globe                  q   Parallels of latitude
             q   Major heat zones of the Earth        q   Difference between Greenwich Mean Time, Local Time and Standard Time

            Introduction                                            through two points, one on the top and another

            You have studied in the previous chapter that the       on the bottom. These two points are the poles and
            Earth is sphere in shape but not a perfect sphere. It   are called the North Pole     and the South Pole
            looks like an orange bulging on the sides and           respectively.
            slightly flat at the top and bottom. Its true shape is
            described as a geoid—spherical in middle and                    Just Think!
            flattened at the poles. It can best be presented by a
            true model in miniature form that is known as            How can you see the entire world at a glance?
            globe.                                                  If you look at a globe, you will find a grid of

                                                                    horizontal and vertical lines. These lines intersect
                                   GLOBE                            one another at different points. All these lines and

            A globe is a true spherical representation of the       the poles are imaginary. They do not exist on the
            Earth. It is used to exactly represent the shapes       Earth and have been drawn on a globe or a map
            and sizes of the continents                             in order to help us study the Earth better.
            and oceans and to know
            distances and directions. We                                        LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES
            can see globes of different                             The lines in the grid, that you can see on a globe,
            sizes. Some globes can be                               are horizontal and vertical. The horizontal lines
            folded and are easy to carry.                           are called the latitudes  and the vertical lines are
            There are some globes in the                            called the longitudes .
            form of balloons which can            A globe
            be inflated to study.                                    Parallels of Latitude
                                                                    Draw a horizontal line midway between the

                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits                                          North Pole and the South Pole. This line is called
                                                                    the Equator  . This is the
            The distance between two poles (North     Pole and      longest latitude. It divides           N.P. .P.
            South Pole) through the centre of the Earth is          the    Earth   into    two              70º 0º 60º 0º
            12,742 km. This is the diameter of the Earth.           h e m i s p h e r e s — t h e             50º 0º  NORTH
                                                                                                                   UDES L
                                                                                                               4 º 0º  ATITUDE S LATIT
                                                                    Northern Hemisphere    and                 30º
            A globe is set on a stand. Its poles are a little tilted                                           20º
            in exactly the same manner as the Earth in reality      the Southern Hemisphere   .                 10º
                                                                    The other latitudes are         EQUA        0º 0º
                                                                                                    EQUATOR TOR
            is. We know that the Earth revolves round the                                                      10º  SOUTH TUDES  S
            Sun, as well as rotates on its axis. Therefore, a       drawn    parallel  to   the               30º 20º  LATI
            globe is set so on the stand that it can be rotated     Equator and are in the                   40º
                                                                    decreasing order of size
            on its axis (poles). The needle of the globe passes                                      Parallels of latitude
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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