Page 109 - SST Class 06
P. 109

C.   Match the following :
                 1.   Latitudes        u           u   The longitude at 0° passing through Greenwich near London.

                 2.   Longitudes       u           u   The zones indicating temperature zones on the Earth.
                 3.   Hemisphere       u           u   The imaginary vertical lines joining two poles.
                 4.   Equator          u           u   One-half of the Earth.

                 5.   Heat zones       u           u   The imaginary parallel and horizontal lines drawn on the Earth.
                 6.   Prime Meridian u             u   The imaginary line passing midway between the two poles.

            D.   Fill in the blanks with help from the box :
                                 vertical, globe, Equator, hemispheres, midday, horizontal, 4 minutes
                 1.   A ____________   is a spherical representation of the Earth.

                 2.   The Equator divides the Earth into two equal ____________ .
                 3.   One degree of longitude shows a difference of ____________   in time.

                 4.   Latitudes are ____________  lines while longitudes are ____________  lines.
                 5.   The local time is ascertained as per the ____________  Sun.
                 6.   ____________   is the longest latitude.

            E.   Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false :
                 1.  A globe can rotate on its axis.

                 2.  The longitudes are parallel to the Equator.
                 3.  The Tropic of Cancer passes through India.
                 4.  The intersection of longitudes and latitudes forms a grid.

                 5.  The smallest latitude is the Tropic of Capricorn.
                 6.  All places on a longitude have the same time.

            F.   Answer in one word or phrase :
                 1.   What is a true spherical representation of the Earth?
                 2.  What are the vertical parallel lines on the globe called?

                 3.  What are the vertical equal lines on the globe called?
                 4.  What is the longest latitude?

                 5.  What is the coldest zone called?
                 6.  How many hours is the IST ahead of the GMT?

            G.   Answer the questions in brief :
                 1.   What are the two poles?
                 2.  What is a heat zone? How does it help to understand temperature?

                 3.  What are meridians of longitude? What is the value of the Prime Meridian?
                 4.  How are longitudes and time related?
                 5.  What is the difference between local time and standard time?

                 6.  Compare GMT with IST.
                                                                                    Globe : The Model of the Earth
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