Page 112 - SST Class 06
P. 112

The Earth tilts at an angle of 23½°. If it did not tilt,    also means that 21 June is the shortest day and
            the length of days and nights would be equal. But           22 December is the longest day in the Southern
            due to this tilt, the days and nights are not of            Hemisphere.
            equal length.                                            q  The exact time that the Earth takes in one

                  The vertical line from the  The earth’s axis          rotation is 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.091
                  earth’s orbital plane
                                                                        seconds and is considered to be equal to 24
                                                                        hours for all practical purposes. In the same
                                                                        way, the Earth takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48
                           23½  °  T o  of C                            minutes and 45.51 seconds to complete one
                               r p c i
                                                                        revolution round the Sun.
                                        The plane            SUN
                                        of the
                                        earth’s orbit
                                                                        Quiz Time
                             f  a r orn                              Fill in the blanks :
                         opic o C p ic
                                                                     1. The Earth rotates on its ___________  like a top.
                  S.P.                                               2. The Earth makes an angle of 66½° with its
                    Phenomenon of day and night on the earth            ___________   plane.
            Experiment                                               3. The spinning of the Earth on its axis  is called
                                                                        ___________  .
             Light a torch at a globe. You will find that only
             one pole is in light while the other remains in the     4. The Earth tilts at an angle of ___________ .
             dark. Now, rotate the globe. You will find that the     5. The two motions of the Earth are ___________
             area shifts from light to dark and dark to light, but      and ___________  .
             the pole in light continues to face light, while the
             pole in dark continues to be in dark. It follows
             that some areas on the Earth receive light for a                           REVOLUTION
             longer duration than other areas.                      The Earth also goes round the Sun and this motion

                                                                    is called revolution . The path that the Earth travels
                                                                    is fixed and is called its orbit. This orbit is
                                                     Day  Day  Night  Night  elongated like an egg and is called the ellipse .

                                                                    Due to this elongated path, the distance between
                                                                    the Earth and the Sun varies. When the Earth is
                                                                    nearest to the Sun, it is called perihelion     and
                                                                    when it is farthest, it is called aphelion .

                                                     Day  Day  Night  Night

                                                                          PERIHELION            APHELION
                                                                          146 million km        151 million km

                             Globe facing the torch

                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits
                                                                                              Ear th ’s  o  b r  it
            q  21 June is the longest day while 22 December is                           Earth’s orbit
               the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere. It
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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