Page 114 - SST Class 06
P. 114

season in the Southern Hemisphere; and on 21            of the Earth are responsible for the phenomena of
            March, this situation is reversed; that is, it is       day-night and seasons.
            autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and spring in
            the Northern Hemisphere.                                Activity
                                                                     Prepare a diagram showing the Earth’s revolution
            Thus, you can see that the rotation and revolution
                                                                     around the Sun and the occurrence of seasons.

            v The motions of the Earth are responsible for the occurrence of day-night and seasons.
            v The unequal length of days and nights is due to the tilt of the Earth.
            v The Earth revolves round the Sun in an elongated path.
            v The hemisphere which receives sunlight for a longer duration has summer and the one which receives
               sunlight for a shorter duration has winter.
            v The Sun shines over the Tropic of Cancer vertically on 21 June and it shines over the Tropic of Capricorn on
               22 December.
            v The days and nights are equal on 21 March and 23 September because the Sun shines vertically over the
               Equator on these days.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :

                 1.   The spinning of the Earth on its axis is known as ____________ .
                      (a) rotation                     (b) revolution                  (c) spinning

                 2.   The Earth rotates on its axis like a ____________ .
                      (a) windmill                     (b) top                         (c) wheel
                 3.   The Earth tilts at an angle of ____________ .

                      (a) 23 ½°                        (b) 60 ½°                       (c) 23°
                 4.   A leap year has ____________  days.
                      (a) 365                          (b) 366                         (c) 28

                 5.   The days and nights are equal on ____________  .
                      (a) 21 March                     (b) 23 September                (c) both
                 6.   The Earth revolves round the ____________   in an elongated path.

                      (a) Sun                          (b) Moon                        (c) Star
                 7.   When the Earth is nearest to the Sun, it is called ____________ .

                      (a) aphelion                     (b) perihelion                  (c) ellipse
                 8.   The month of February has 28 days, but in a leap year, it has ____________ .
                      (a) 26 days                      (b) 27 days                     (c) 29 days

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