Page 101 - SST Class 06
P. 101

Quiz Time                                           friction with the atmosphere, they start burning

            Write True and False :                                  and disappear as dust and gas called meteors      or
            1. The Earth is a true sphere.          __________      shooting stars . Sometimes, a meteor is not
            2. The Sun is the largest member of the Solar           completely burnt and it strikes the Earth's surface
               System.                              __________      and forms a crater. This piece is called a
            3. The Moon is not a natural satellite of the Earth.    meteorite .
                                                                          Info Bits
            4. All planets are spherical in shape and revolve             Info Bits
               around the Sun.                      __________
            5. We cannot see the Moon on the New Moon                We can see a meteorite crater in Arizona state in
               night.                               __________       the USA.

                                                                    The comets too revolve round the Sun, but their
            Asteroids are small planet-like bodies which            orbit is very elongated. A comet is a huge lump of
            revolve round the Sun, chiefly found between the
                                                                    snow    and    rocky   dust.
            orbits of the Jupiter and the Mars. They are
                                                                    When it reaches near the
            believed to be the pieces of some planet which          Sun, it starts to glow and
            exploded soon after its birth. The largest asteroid
                                                                    develops a long shining
            is the Ceres.                                           tail.  The   most    famous

            Meteors and Meteorites                                  comet    is   the   Halley’s
                                                                    Comet     which     appears
            Meteoroids are small pieces of solid mass, which
                                                                    every 76 years. It was last
            revolve round the Sun. Sometimes, they enter the
                                                                    seen in 1986, so it will be       Halley’s Comet
            Earth’s atmosphere at a great speed. Due to
                                                                    spotted in 2062 next.

            v The universe is infinite and comprises all galaxies formed by millions of stars, planets and other celestial
            v Distance in the space is measured by light years.
            v The Milky Way is our parent galaxy in which our Solar System is located.
            v A constellation is a group of stars in a particular shape.

            v The Solar System comprises of the Sun, its eight planets and their satellites.
            v Our Earth is a unique planet because it can originate and support life.
            v Asteroids, meteors and comets are small bodies in revolve round the Sun.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :
                 1.   ______________  is a group of stars arranged in a particular shape.
                      (a) planet                       (b) constellation               (c) satellite

                 2.   The Pole Star always shines in the ______________  direction.
                      (a) South                        (b) North                       (c) West
                                                                                       Exploring The Solar System
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