Page 132 - SST Class 06
P. 132

                                  STAN                                AFGHANISTAN
                            IS AN                CHINA
               IRAN                              Tibet                               Indus
                        AFGHAN                                        PAKISTAN   Ch nab  J el h um  C  H  I  N  A
                           PAKIST  AN   NEPA  BHUTAN                           Ra  vi  Satluj        TIBET
              l                              L                                       N O      L. Mansarowar
                                                                            S l j u  N O R T H E R N
              Gu f
                                                         LAOS           Indus         R T H E R N M       Tsangpo     Li oh t
                                                                           THAR DESERT
                                  I N D I A                                             NO  M O U    Kosi
                AN                                 MYANMAR                 THAR DESERT   Y  NORTH  N T A N N
                                                                                            O U N T A
                                                                                                 I I
              OM                             BANGLADESH                        L. Sambhar   amuna   RTHERN  R A N G  BHUTAN
                                                                                         G n
                                                                                         a g
                                                                                                  R A N G E E
                      ARABIAN SEA                      THAILAND                    Cha  mbal  a   PLAINS   S S   utra
                                                                           Luni   t  barma i  Banas  S  ind  Betw  a  G omati S   Gandak  Br hmap
                                                                                           ERN PLAIN
                                                                            Sa   ham  bal   ati  Son  Ganga      Tista
                                                                             ahi  C  Parb          Damodar  DESH   pi o  f Cancer
                                                                             M                                    Tro c
                                               Andaman &
                                                                             Narmada  II  N N  D D  I I  A A      MYANMAR
                                                                                 Tapi  SOUTHERN
                                                 N coba
                                                  r I
                                                                                     PLATEAUTEAU    Brahmani  New Moore l.
                                    SRI LANKA
                                    SRI LANKA     nds    MALA                 Goda  P n a ga
                                                                                  e g n
                                                    SINGAPORE                   vari      Indravati   L. Chilika
                         Neighbouring countries of India              ARABIAN   C  hi a B m  Manja    G  PLAINS  BAY
                                                                       SEA                 oda vari        PL  OF
                                                                                i     Kr ishn  a   S AL
                                                                                           TAL           BENGAL
                                                                               Kr shna
                                LANDFORMS                                         dra a  COAST
                                                                            C O A S TA L
                                                                            O A S TA L
                                                                               Tn u g bha  Penn eru  L. Kolleru
                                                                              P L
                                                                              P L
            The uniqueness of India also lies in its diversity of             A I N S    L. Pulicat   NORTHERN MOUNTAINS
                                                                               Jog Falls   Pen                  An
                                                                              A I N S
            landforms. From snow-capped Himalayas and                         ad    Ka  naiyar   ma  nde  l  t  NORTHERN PLAINS   damana
            great plains in the north to the vast desert in the        Laksha  ar Coas   t  V i veri   oro  C  Coas  THAR DESERT   I ( nd a) i  nd Nic
            west and massive plateau in the south flanked by           (IND A) dw ee p   a gai      SOUTHERN PLATEAU  oba   sland
                                                                                                                 r I
            long belts of coastal plains make it a most                                 SRI         COASTAL PLAINS   s
            beautiful country in the world. The five chief
                                                                               INDIAN                                OCEAN
            physical divisions of India are as follows :
                                                                                     India : Physical division
            1. The Great Northern Mountains
                                                                    into the western, central and eastern Himalayas.
            2. The Great Northern Plains                            The eastern Himalayas are known as Poorvanchal     .
            3. The Western Desert                                   Breadth-wise, we can divide the Himalayas into
            4. The Southern Peninsula                               three parallel ranges—the Himadri   , the Himachal
                                                                    and the Shivaliks . The Himadri range, also known
            5. The Island Groups                                    as the Greater Himalayas, comprises the northern-
             The Great Northern Mountains                           most range. It has an average height of about
                                                                    6,000 metres above the sea level. The world’s
            The great Northern Mountains separate the Indian
                                                                    highest peak, Mount Everest      (8,848 metres) is
            subcontinent from the rest of Asia. This is like a      located in this range in Nepal. The other high
            great mountain wall formed by the mountain              peaks of this range are Kanchenjunga (8,598
            chains, namely the Himalayan    and the Karakoram
                                                                    metres), Nanga Parbat   (8,126 metres) and Nanda
            ranges. This wall is in the shape of an arc and         Devi  (7,817 metres) which are located in India.
            stretches for about 3,600 km. The width of this
                                                                    The Himadri range is the home to glaciers and
            mountain chain varies from 150 km to 400 km.
                                                                    snow-capped peaks. The glaciers are the rivers of
            The Karakoram mountains lie in Kashmir.
                                                                    snow which melt and form into rivers. The Ganga
                                                                    originates in the Gangotri glacier and the Yamuna
                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits
                                                                    in the Yamunotri glacier. The Indus        and the
                                                                    Brahmaputra   rivers are also fed by the melting
            Kanchenjunga is the highest Himalayan peak in           snow.
            India and it is the third highest in the world.
                                                                    The Himachal range lies to the south of the
            The word ‘Himalaya’ means the abode of snow        .    Himadri and is known as the Lesser or Middle
            This is a 2,500 km long continuous mountain wall
                                                                    Himalayas. Its mountains vary from 3,700 metres
            on India’s north. Length-wise, we can divide it         to 4,500 metres in height. Many of India’s hill
                     Contemporary Social Science-6
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