Page 134 - SST Class 06
P. 134
The Deccan Plateau has rich black soil which is
very fertile for the cotton crop. This has made
Maharashtra and parts of Gujarat and Karnataka
cotton belt in India. This region is rich in mineral
wealth also; the important minerals being iron
ore, mica and gold. The gold mines in Kolar
(Karnataka) are famous.
The Coastal Plains
The coastline in the peninsular India measures
6,100 kilometres. It is a long and narrow strip all
along the sea. The hills comprising the Western Coral islands of Lakshadweep
Ghats and the Eastern Ghats gradually slope Quiz Time
towards the ocean and form into the plains. The
coastal plains are wider in the eastern side as Write True or False :
compared to the western side. 1. The desert is about 500 kms long and 100-300
The Western Coastal Plains are located along the kms wide. _____
Arabian Sea and range from the Rann of Kutch 2. The Aravalli hills divide Rajasthan into three
down south to Kerala. The two major rivers here parts. _____
are the Tapi and the Narmada. The eastern coastal
plains are wider than the Western Coastal Plains. 3. The Deccan Plateau has rich blue soil. _____
The Eastern Coastal Plains run along the Bay of 4. The Malwa plateau comprises the northern
Bengal. The four major rivers flowing in this area region of the peninsular India. _____
are the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and 5. The Eastern Coastal Plains run along the Bay of
the Kaveri. Bengal. _____
The two island groups in India are Andaman and
Nicobar islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Despite a variety of landforms, India remains one
Lakshadweep islands in the Arabian Sea. in spirit and essence. Different landforms might
have resulted in a variety of customs, lifestyles,
The Andaman and Nicobar islands are in the form eating habits, dresses and so on; yet we all Indians
of a cluster. The northern cluster of islands is remain one with one citizenship, ready to sacrifice
known as the Andaman islands; and the southern
ourselves at the altar of our motherland.
cluster, known as the Nicobar islands. Many of Moreover, one region is dependent on the other
these islands are very small and uninhabited.
because one area produces one thing and the
The Lakshadweep is a group of 27 coral islands in other region produces another; for example,
the Arabian Sea about 300 km west of Kerala Northern Plains meet the wheat requirements,
coast. All of these are very small and 17 of these plateau region meets the mineral needs and
are uninhabited. coastal plains meet the need of spices.
Info Bits
Corals are tiny short-lived marine animals called India is one, but in order to run the administration
polyps. When they die, their skeletons are left and efficiently, it has been divided into 28 states, 8
other polyps grow on these, and gradually they union territories and 1 National Capital Territory of
become higher and higher, which finally result in Delhi. New Delhi is the capital of India. The states
coral islands. and union territories have their respective capitals.
Contemporary Social Science-6