Page 133 - SST Class 06
P. 133

            stations are situated here, like Srinagar Shimla   ,    the Rann of Kutch to Haryana. In the west, it
            Mussoorie , Nainital  and Darjeeling . The beautiful    extends into Pakistan. This Western Desert is
            Kashmir , Kullu  and Kangra  valleys are located in     known as the Thar Desert   or Indian Desert .
            this range.
                                                                    The desert is about 500 kilometres long and 100-
            The Shivalik range is the southernmost range of         300 kilometres wide. The land is covered with
            the Himalayas. This is the lowest in height which       sand-hills called sand dunes  . A sand dune is a
            ranges between 900 metres to 1,200 metres. It is a      loose soil because there is no vegetation to hold
            discontinuous range which lies on the northern          the sand, so it keeps shifting from one place to
            border of the Gangetic plains and extends towards       another and results in sandstorms.
            the east.
                                                                    There is little or no vegetation in the desert due to
                Quiz Time                                           severe scarcity of rain. Some scattered bushes and
                                                                    thorny shrubs grow here, such as cacti, keekar,
            Fill in the blanks :
                                                                    babool,    prickly   pears   etc.   Its  arid   and
            1. The official name of India is ____________ .         unfavourable climate makes this region sparsely

            2. India shares its borders with a number of            populated.
               ____________   .                                      The Southern Peninsula
            3. Sri Lanka lies in the ____________  sea.             To the south of the Northern Plains lies the old
            4. The Shivalik range is a ____________  range.         land mass of the peninsular India. It is highland
                                                                    and comprises of two distinct parts—the Malwa
            5. The    eastern   Himalayas    are    known    as
               ____________   .                                     Plateau  and the Deccan Plateau .
                                                                    The Malwa Plateau comprises the northern region
             The Great Northern Plains
                                                                    of the peninsular India. It is bounded by the
            Located to the south of the great Northern              Aravalli hills in the north-west and the Vindhya
            Mountain wall are the great Northern Plains.            hills in the south. Both the Aravalli and the
            These are the most fertile part of the world. The       Vindhyas are low old mountains which form the
            Northern Plains extend from the Sutlej in the west      edges of this plateau. The Malwa Plateau,
            to the Brahmaputra in the east and measure about        especially the Chota Nagpur region is the richest
            2,500 kilometres. They are made up of the silt          mineral-producing area. The chief minerals found
            brought by the rivers which originate in the            here include iron ore, coal, manganese, mica etc.
            Himalayas. This silt has made these plains very         The Deccan Plateau is almost triangular in shape.
            fertile. This silt is called alluvial soil . The four
            important rivers which contribute in the formation      It extends from the Satpura hills in the north to
                                                                    Kanyakumari in the south. On its western side are
            of these great Northern Plains are the Sutlej, the      located the Western Ghats which are formed by
            Yamuna, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. The
            Ganga and the Brahmaputra join in their lower           the Sahyadri, the Nilgiri, the Annamalai and the
                                                                    Cardamom hills. The Western Ghats run along the
            course and form the world’s largest delta, called       Arabian Sea and their height increases towards the
            the Sundarbans  , before falling into the Bay of
            Bengal.                                                 south. Anaimudi in Kerala is the highest peak in
                                                                    the peninsular India with a height of 2,695 metres.
            The fertile Northern Plains have resulted in high       The famous hill station Udagamandalam (formerly
            concentration of population.                            known as Ooty) is located in the Nilgiri hills.

             The Western Desert                                     The Deccan Plateau gradually slopes towards the
            The Western Desert lies in the state of Rajasthan       east to the Bay of Bengal. The Eastern Ghats have
            and is located to the west of Northern Plains. The      discontinuous hills and are called the Mahendra
            Aravalli hills  divide Rajasthan into two parts. The    Giri.
            western part is rocky and sandy. It extends from
                                                                                              India : Our Country
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