Page 127 - SST Class 06
P. 127
The atmosphere extends up to 1600 km. Its other. This narrow zone extends a few kilometres
density decreases with height. It is very dense at above and below the Earth’s surface. This is the
the sea level and 80 percent of all gases are contact of these three domains together that the
present within 20 km of the Earth’s surface. The Earth becomes a unique planet. This zone, known
atmosphere gradually merges with the space. as the biosphere, supports a massive variety of
organisms, both plants and animals. We can find
Air, like other matter, has weight. It exerts
pressure which is called atmospheric pressure . from very tiny organisms many of which we
cannot see by the naked eye, to the largest
This pressure is not uniform at all places. The air
tends to move from high pressure areas to low organisms in this zone. There are about one
pressure areas and this movement of air is called million species of animals and over three lakh
species of plants. These species live in the water,
wind .
on the land and in the air.
Info Bits Balance of Biosphere
Info Bits
This topic is all the more relevant in the present
Due to decreasing density of atmosphere, times as much harm has been caused to the
mountaineers need oxygen cylinders to climb up delicate balance of the three domains. Man
high hills. dominates all other species of animals and plants.
He wants to live a lavish life, consuming as much
Quiz Time as he can. This greedy tendency has resulted in
Write True or False : the destruction of the biosphere. He has destroyed
a large number of species of animals and plants
1. The air is made up of different gases. ________
for his greed. But this tendency has resulted in
2. A sea is not a vast water body. ________ adverse effect to the biosphere. If this continues
any longer, the very existence of the biosphere
3. There are four oceans on the Earth. ________
may be at risk; it means that the very survival of
4. About 91 percent of the Earth’s surface is man may be jeopardised severely. So, we have to
covered with water. ________ take notice of this destruction and reduce our
5. The atmosphere extends up to 1600 km. needs, if we want our children to continue to live
________ as we do today.
You have studied the domains of lithosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere. Life cannot exist in
any one of them, though all of them are
favourable for it. This is the blending of all these
three domains that life can start and sustain. The
place where these three domains blend is called
the domain of biosphere.
Life originates in the narrow zone where all three
of land, water and air come into contact with each Biosphere
v The lithosphere comprises of land masses and ocean beds.
v Land constitutes about 29 percent of the total Earth’s surface.
Major Domains of the Earth