Page 126 - SST Class 06
P. 126

Oceans                                                  Other Water Bodies

            Oceans are the vast water bodies and play an            Besides the oceans, there are several other water
            important role in the life of living beings. They       bodies in the form of seas, bays, gulfs, rivers and
            regulate temperature and climate of different           lakes. They are important on the local level.
                                                     A F G H A N I S T A N
            places. There are five oceans on the Earth—Pacific      A sea  is a vast water body, but smaller than an
            Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic             ocean. It is surrounded by land, such as the
            Ocean and Antarctic Ocean.                                       Ladakh
                                                                    Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea etc.
                                                                           is a part of a sea partly enclosed by land,
                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits                                          A gulf HIMACHAL           C H I N A
                                                                    such as the Persian Gulf.   TIBET
                                                                     CHANDIGARH  A  UTTARAKHAND
                                                      P A K I S T A N
            The Indian Ocean is the only ocean to be named          A bay ARYAN  DEHRADUN
                                                                           is a part of a sea or lake enclosed by a wide
                                                                                                               A UNACHAL
            after a country.                                        curve of the shore, but is wider than a gulf, such
                                                                                                                PR DES
                                                                                        N E P A L
                                                                    as the Bay of Bengal.
                                                               R A J A S T H A N  UTTAR          GANGTOK  BHUTAN  ITANAGAR
            Pacific Ocean                                            JAIPUR     PRADESH                     ASSAM
                                                                                                         DISPUR   NAGALAND
                                                                                    LUCKNOW                         KOHIMA
            The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest                                      PATNA      SHILLONG  MANIPUR
                                                                                            B I H A R  MEGHALAYA   IMPHAL
            ocean in the world. The deepest point, Mariana                                     H ND   BANGLADESH
                                                          GANDHINAGAR                     H JHARK A   AGARTALA   AIZAWL
                                                                            MADHYA                WEST TRIPURATRIPURA  MIZORAM
                                                            G U J A R A T
            Trench, is located in this ocean. This ocean covers        BHOPAL  PRADESH  TTISG  AR  RANCHI  BENGAL
            an area of 16,62,41,700 sq km, which is more                            CHHA          KOLKATA
                                                              (D&D) D &NHD &NH
            than the total land area in all seven continents.  SILVASSA  M A H A R A S H T R A  RAIPUR  O D I S H A  MYANMAR
            Atlantic Ocean
            The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest covering           A K A  TE LAN GA A      B AY  O F  B E N G A L
                                                            S E A
                                                     A R A B I A N
            about an area of 8,65,60,000 sq km. It is bounded           T     H A P ADESH
                                                              PANAJI  R N A
            by North America and South America in the west      GOA         AND R
            and Africa and Europe in the east. It is shaped like     K A
            the letter ‘S’. Its coastline is indented, which is       BENGALURU  U
            favourable to the construction of seaports.   (I  LAKSHA  K      L N A D                         ( IN  PORT BLAIR
                                                                          A M I                              DIA)  ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS
            Indian Ocean                                  )  DW  KAVARATTI  T                                   ANDAMAN
                                                                       E R
                                                                       A L A
            This ocean, named after our country, stretches for               Gulf
            about 7,34,30,000 sq km. It is flanked by Asia in the    KANYAKUMARIAKUMARI  S R I
                                                                                L A N K A
            north, Australia in the east and Africa in the west.       I N D I A N       O C E A N
            Arctic Ocean                                                                Bay of Bengal
            The Arctic Ocean is located around the North                                ATMOSPHERE
            Pole within the Arctic Circle and covers an area of
            about 1,32,30,000 sq km. It is connected to the         A sheet of air surrounds the Earth and is called
            Pacific Ocean by the Bering Strait  . The water in      atmosphere. The air is made up of different gases.
            this ocean remains frozen throughout the year, so       The two chief gases are nitrogen       and oxygen
            it is difficult for the ships to sail here.             which constitute 78 percent and 21 percent
                                                                    respectively. The remaining 1 percent is made up
            Antarctic Ocean or Southern Ocean
                                                                    of different gases like carbon dioxide argon       ,
            The Antarctic Ocean lies in the farthest edge of        helium , hydrogen   etc. Carbon dioxide is present
            the Southern Hemisphere. It comprises the               in a small quantity, but it is important as it helps to
            southmost waters of the world ocean. It is the          absorb heat radiated by the Earth and helps to
            fourth largest ocean. It surrounds the white            keep it warm; also it helps plants to make food.
            continent of Antarctica and remains forzen              Nitrogen is helpful in the growth of living
            throughout the year.                                    organisms, while oxygen is the breath of life.
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