Page 123 - SST Class 06
P. 123

Major Domains

                                                                            of the Earth                19

             q   Lithosphere (distribution of continents)           q   Atmosphere (composition and importance)
             q   Importance of Biosphere                            q   Hydrosphere (distribution of oceans)

            Introduction                                                               LITHOSPHERE

            Earth is unique in the Solar System as being the only   Lithosphere comprises all types of land masses,
            planet which is able to support life in all its forms—   big or small, low or high. It comprises high
            from basic living micro-organisms to highly             mountains, plains, plateaus and valleys. It is the
            sophisticated and intelligent human beings. Life has    top crust of the Earth. This Earth’s crust can be
            become possible on this planet only due to the          divided into two—the land masses and the ocean
            presence of land, water and air in just right           beds. The thickness of lithosphere ranges from 6
            amount. These are called the three domains of           to 60 km.
            lithosphere ,   hydrosphere     and    atmosphere       The highest point in the lithosphere is Mount
            respectively. The domain where these three              Everest  (8848 m) and the deepest point is Mariana
            domains meet and create conditions favourable
                                                                    Trench   (11022m). The land masses constitute
            to the origin and support of life, is called            nearly 29 percent of the Earth’s surface, while
            biosphere . Thus, there are a total of four             about 71 percent of the surface is under seas and
            domains. We shall study them in brief.

                         ARCTIC OCEAN                                                         ARCTIC OCEAN

                           ARCTIC CIRCLE                                                            ARCTIC CIRCLE

                              NORTH                                EUROPE
                              AMERICA                                               ASIA              NORTH
                                               NORTH                                                 PACAFIC
                                               ATLANTIC                                               OCEAN
                                        TROPIC OF CANCER                                          TROPIC OF CANCER
                       EQUATOR                                                                         EQUATOR
                                                                               INDIAN OCEAN
                       TROPIC OF CAPRICORN          SOUTH                     TROPIC OF CAPRICORN        SOUTH
                                                    ATLANTIC                                             PACIFIC
                         SOUTH                      OCEAN                                                OCEAN

                        ANTARCTIC CIRCLE
                                                         Continents and oceans
                                                                                       Major Domains of the Earth
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