Page 13 - SST Class 07
P. 13
Paramaras (Pawars) and finally overthrew the Chalukyas. Similarly, the
Chandelas declared themselves independent from
The Paramaras were the
the Pratiharas. Sometimes a chief had been
rulers in Malwa. Earlier they defeated in the battle field but was allowed to
were small feudatories of the
keep his land in the form of a grant. There were
Pratiharas or Rashtrakutas many scholars and Brahmins in the state who
who declared their were given the land as well as the rights to collect
independence. They have
the revenue from the land. Such grants were
built the Nilkantheswar called agrahara or brahmadeya grants.
Temple at Udaipur. Nilkantheswar Temple
The king was the supreme in all matters—civil,
The Gahadavalas ruled around Kannauj. Jaichand
political and military. He looked after the welfare
was an important ruler of this clan. Prithviraj of his subjects. The king, his nobles and feudal
Chauhan sought his help in 1192, but he did not
lords led a life of luxury. They live in beautiful
accede. Ultimately, he was defeated by palaces, wore costly clothes and jewellery. The
Muhammad Ghori in 1194.
architecture was beautiful and grand.
Info Bits
Info Bits
The Chandelas, with their capital at Khajuraho,
ruled in Bundelkhand, the area between the
Yamuna and Narmada rivers. Kirtivarman was The Rajputs called the foreigners as mlechas or out
their most influential king. They have built
beautiful temples at Khajuraho. In Rajput age, Varna system was the basis of social
life. Brahmins and the Rajputs enjoyed highest
LIFE AND SOCIETY UNDER THE RAJPUTS position in the social hierarchy. They possessed
the political powers. Brahmins were their main
advisors. They were given tax free lands. They
Like Europe, the political structure of the Rajputs commanded powers because they conducted
was based on the feudal system. In this system, religious ceremonies for the king. The third
the king granted land to big zamindars, who paid position in society was enjoyed by the Vaishyas
him annual grants, tax and military help when who conducted trade and commerce. The shudras
needed. The king also gave pieces of land to the lived a life of misery and were exploited. They
ministers and other officials for their services in worked the hardest but got no returns. The
place of cash payment as their salaries. These Shudras were the untouchables who did the lowly
lands were called jagirs . The feudal lord was work. Their condition was more precarious and
called the Zamindar , Thakur , Rai etc. The duty of they had absolutely no rights.
the feudal lord was to collect revenue for the king
and to obey him and to be present before the king The Rajputs were brave, courageous, loyal,
in times of war with his entire army. generous, hospitable, chivalrous and patriotic.
They respected women and sacrificed their lives
This system was quite defective, because the to protect them. The women were highly
chiefs or feudal lords often quarrelled among respected but were considered inferior to men.
themselves due to jealous and rivalries. These The girls of royal families had a right to choose
regular disputes brought unnecessary expenditure. their husband in a swayamvara . The birth of a girl
Sometimes a feudatory became so powerful, that was not considered auspicious. The custom of sati
he would easily declare himself independent. For and child marriage was common. Polygamy was
example, the Rashtrakutas who were feudatories also in practice. On the other side, Rajput women
of the Chalukyas, declared their independence were very brave. They received high education.
New Kings and Kingdoms (AD 700 – AD 1200)