Page 14 - SST Class 07
P. 14
They were appointed as the village head. Many
of art and architecture such as forts, temples and
Rajput women ruled the kingdom as a queen. paintings. The best specimen of art are available
F ind Outind Out in the magnificent temples built in this period. The
Lingaraja Temple of Bhubaneshwara, the Sun
Find out the names of two Rajput queens who are Temple of Konark, the temples of Khajuraho and
known for their bravery. the Jagannath Temple of Puri are worth
Economy mentioning in this regard. Most of the temples and
forts had paintings depicting relevant scenes on
Agriculture was the main occupation of the the walls. Mural paintings and miniature paintings
people. The villages were self-sufficient. Trade
were in vogue. Later these styles were picked up
and commerce flourished well. Skilled artisans
by the Mughals, the Jain monks and the Buddhists
produced various kinds of articles. India imported of Nepal.
gold, copper, tin, dates, wine and horses and
exported silk, cotton, woollen clothes, spices and
precious stones. Metal working was common,
metals used commonly were copper, lead, brass,
silver and gold. The people were prosperous.
Traders and merchants had organised themselves
into guilds to safeguard their interests.
The wealthy people built rest houses and
charitable institutions. They also laid out gardens
and dug up wells for public use. Lingaraja Temple Jagannath Temple
Religion Education
During the Rajput period, Hinduism, Jainism and The Brahmins were the chief persons who
Buddhism were main religious cults. The Rajputs imparted education. They not only performed
were followers of Hinduism so this religion made religious ceremonies but also taught the people.
great progress under them. Buddhism and Jainism So, the temples became the places of learning
decline due to the Turkish attack. Hinduism was where the students belonging to the upper class
divided into two sects, the Vaishnavism and came to study. They learnt religious literature,
Shaivism. These two sects had a large number of mathematics and philosophy. The most famous
followers in northern India. Besides, the people centres of learning of that period were Kanchi,
worshipped mother goddess Durga, a symbol of Kashi, Nalanda, Ujjain, Vikramashila, Kashmir,
power. Madurai and Shringeri. Bhaskaracharya was a
noted astronomer of this period. Charaka Panini
Info Bits and Patanjali were other noted scholars of this
Info Bits
period. Charaka wrote a book on medical science,
Panini did great work in Sanskrit and Patanjali
Krishna and Rama were the most common forms in
which Lord Vishnu was worshipped. was a great grammarian
whose commentary
In the south, a number of popular Bhakti saints Mahabhashya is an
called Alvars and Nayanars flourished. The Bhakti impressive study of
saints disregarded caste inequalities and laid syntax and the evolution
emphasis on Vedas. Their teachings became of words. The famous
popular all over the country. literary work of this
Art and Architecture period were, Kathasarit Nalanda University
Sagar , a collection of stories and biographies like
The richness of the age is also reflected in works
Bilhana’s Vikramankadeva Charita , Chand
Contemporary Social Science-7