Page 12 - SST Class 07
P. 12

TRIPARTITE STRUGGLE                          the great fire pit near Ajmer. The Rajput’s habits
                                                                        of eating meat (except beef) and other traits
            The term tripartite  means anything involving three         suggest both foreign and aboriginal origins.
            parties. The struggle for power among the Gurjara-
            Pratiharas, the Palas and the Rashtrakutas is            Tomars
            known as tripartite struggle .                          The Tomars rose to power in the 8th century.

            Many of the campaigns in North India were over          They founded the city of Dhillika (present day
            the city of Kannauj. This was because it was            Delhi). They were small rulers of parts of Delhi
            situated  at  such    a  situation  that   whoever      and Haryana. They were defeated by the
            controlled Kannauj controlled Ganga valley—a            Chauhans.
            very fertile region.                                     Chauhans (Chahamanas)

            In the early decades of 8th century, Kannauj was        The area of influence of the Chauhans was Delhi
            ruled by Ayudha    rulers. They were too weak in        and Ajmer. The most important Chauhan ruler
            comparison to their contemporaries like Gurjara-        was Prithviraj Chauhan (1179-1192 AD). It was
            Pratiharas who were the rulers of Rajputana, Palas      during his rule that Muhammad Ghori attacked
            who were the rulers of Bengal and Rashtrakutas          India. Prithviraj Chauhan defeated this invader in
            who were the rulers of Deccan. They were bound          1191 in the battle of Tarain, but he committed a
            to bow before their powerful contemporaries. All        grave mistake. He did not force to get Punjab
            of them had a tempting eye on Kannauj. It               freed from the invader. As a consequence,
            resulted in regular conflict among the three            Muhammad Ghori attacked the very next year
            powers. This struggle continued for about a             with due preparation and defeated Prithviraj
            century in an uncommon and interesting manner.          Chauhan in 1192 AD at the same place.
            Kannauj was sometimes under one authority and           Unfortunately, other Indian kings did not help
            sometimes under the other. After about a struggle       Prithviraj Chauhan at this time, and this laid the
            of hundred years ultimately the Gurjara-Pratiharas      foundation of the Muslim rule in India and
            succeeded in conquering Kannauj.                        increased   invasions   from    the   north-western
                                THE RAJPUTS
                                                                    The    exploits   of   Prithviraj
            A number of Rajput kingdoms also emerged                Chauhan have been written by
            during this period. Some people call them               Chand Bardai     in the famous
            descendants of the Central Asian tribes who             book Prithviraj Raso .
            settled in India after the Hun invasion. The
            Rajputs   however     claim   themselves    to   be           Info Bits                     Prithviraj Chauhan
                                                                          Info Bits
            Kshatriyas or Aryans or those born in Agnikula.
            They believed themselves to be the descendants           It is believed that Prithviraj Chauhan  was caught
            of the Sun God (Suryavansha), the Moon God               and blinded by Muhammad Ghori. He planned with
            (Chandravansha) and from ancient kings. The              his poet friend, Chand Bardai, to kill Muhammad
            prominent Rajput rulers were—Tomars, Solankis,           Ghori because Prithviraj Chauhan had the ability to
            Chauhans, Parmaras, Chandelas and Gahadavalas.           shoot his target even with his closed eyes, and he
                                                                     succeeded in it.
                 Info Bits                                           Solankis
                 Info Bits

            q  The word Rajput is taken from Sanskrit word          The Solankis ruled in the region of Kathiawar and
               raja-putra which means son of a king.                its surrounding areas. They are also known as the
                                                                    Chalukyas of Gujarat. They built the Dilwara
            q  The Rajputs are divided between the Solar and        Temple   at Mount Abu and the Sun Temple          at
               Lunar races and these claiming to come from
                     Contemporary Social Science-7
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