Page 8 - SST Class 07
P. 8

experiences. The travelogues written by them are        Macro    Polo    has   written
            a     major     source      of                          about a coconut tree which
            information    during   those                           he saw for the first time in
            times. Some of the important                            India : “It is as tall as a tall
            travellers who wrote their                              building, with no branches
            experiences   are   Al-Biruni ,                         and leaves at the top, but
            Ibn Battuta  , Marco Polo    ,                          having fruits as large as a
            Nicolo  etc. These travellers                           human head.”                          Marco Polo
            have described India vividly.          Ibn Batuta               Just Think!

                 Info Bits
                 Info Bits
            Marco Polo has been called the prince of medieval        What are the names of European travellers     who
            travellers.                                              visited India during the medieval period?

            v History is divided into three periods—ancient period, medieval period and modern period.
            v India, during the medieval period, comprised of a vast area ranging from Afghanistan in the west to
               Myanmar in the east.
            v The names of places underwent a change during the medieval period with some exceptions.
            v The sources of information are two—archaeological and literary.
            v Archaeological sources include inscriptions on buildings, coins, rocks, pillars etc.
            v Literary sources comprise of different types of books written by people.
            v We find some variation in information in different books because they were copied by scribes by hand.

            A.   Tick (3) the right option :

                 1.   ______________    has written about a coconut tree.
                      (a) Marco Polo                   (b) Firishta                    (c) Kalhana
                 2.   A/An ______________    is a story of a person written by himself.
                      (a) biography                    (b) autobiography               (c) none of these
                 3.   ______________    was written by Gulbadan Begum.

                      (a) Humayun Nama                 (b) Akbarnama                   (c) Tuglaqnama
                 4.   ______________    is a famous book on the history of Kashmir.
                      (a) Babur-nama                   (b) Prithviraj Raso             (c) Rajatarangini
                 5.   ______________   is the old name of India continue to exist even today.
                      (a) Bharat                       (b) Kashi                       (c) both of these

                 6.   The two sources of information are ______________   and ______________   .
                      (a) literary                     (b) archaeological              (c) none of these

                     Contemporary Social Science-7
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